I did follow my plan and was able to fit in some spinning today. Notice I did not share a Wednesdays Are For Painting post...but there's always next week. This week has been crazy.
While it would seem delightful to spin in the barn with the sheep, Maisie is not always a delight around tools and I have a video to prove it. My ultimate goal was to spend time hanging out with our new cat who had just gotten home from getting his vaccinations and big boy surgery. He'll get his own post, maybe tomorrow. It's a cute story.
I was spinning Muffin and the fancy background is just our messy gravel barn aisle. I need to remember this along with the nice diffused light. Do they still do those family photos with the drop down backgrounds at department stores or am I really dating myself?
I'm still borrowing the electric drum carder from my friend, but I have one of my own on order and I'm super excited about that. More about that to come as well.
I had some freshly washed Muffin fleece and she's always a favorite of mine so I decided that would be my Thursday spin. And then, because I can't think of Muffin without Biscuit, I "shopped" in the Wool House loft and grabbed a bit of him to blend in as well.
After one pass through - first Muffin and then Biscuit layered over the top. I then split the batt and drafted it out and ran it through two more times to more evenly blend the two colors.
Muffin in the back and the blend in the front. More about this to come as well. I have plenty of blog fodder. I just need winter to come back for a bit so I can get caught up...and go back to complaining about winter ;-).
I'm working on how I want to store the batts I make and I'd love to stay away from plastic. I have a huge roll of kraft paper so I'm trying out some options. I love the little vintage black and white lambs. One should never get too old to play with toys ;-).
Hello Our Maisie!!!
Looks like trouble found you...and she does not look happy, hope you had treats for her! I have my batts rolled up gently and put inside a paper grocery bag that I taped and stapled shut for safe keeping!
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