Years ago, when I was thinking about starting my small sheep business, a good friend told me that the best part of working for yourself is that you get to pick your own hours. You can pick whichever 18 hours of everyday you want to work. She wasn't wrong. I've also heard that if you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life. That's not wrong either.
One thing I haven't enjoyed along the way is getting to the end of the day...or week...or year...and realizing that I didn't do all the things I wanted to do. This is a recurring theme and I know it's not just for me so that's all I'm going to say about that. There are probably thousands of books about that and I should probably just find make the time to read them.
I do think having a schedule helps me. I enjoy Tuesday nights because I "have" to join the Wool House Crafters zoom meeting. Some weeks I get more done than others, but I like having that set schedule...and the company is good :-). We meet for two hours and that's a good amount of time. It's amazing what you can get done in two hours if you just put your butt in the chair.
I'd love to dedicate every afternoon to "chair work", but I've tried that and I never manage to pull it off. Two hours isn't much time, but it's like spinning with a drop spindle. If you spin 5 minutes here, 10 minute there, 5 minutes another time, 20 minutes after the end of the week you've probably spun more yarn than I have with my spinning wheel.
I use "probably" in that last sentence like I've actually done any spinning lately. Well, I did spend a little time at the end of the Kentucky Shepherd's Market last month spinning with some friends and it was really fun. Spinning IS really fun.
The same thing happened back at the first of the year when I was playing around with the little electric drum carder I am borrowing from a friend. Pulling those pretty batts off was really fun. It was nice...and a little have to be reminded why I started all this in the first place. Wool is fun. Take the time to enjoy it. MAKE the time to enjoy it.
So I know I can't show up from 1:00 to 4:00 every day. Seems silly, but we both know that if that was going to happen, it would have already happened. I don't work for myself as well as I work for other people.
I'm not even sure I can show up every day. I mean I show up for work every day, but not the butt in chair work. Obviously the animal care comes first. And if I have to be available on the farm, it's hard not to let the art side of life fall off. It's been a crazy start to the year. Hopefully things are settling down...just in time for spring :-o.
Here's the plan:
Monday - Catch up day. Set things up to make the rest of the week successful.
Tuesday - Wool House Crafters. Already on the schedule and anything goes.
Wednesday - Art Class. Butt in chair and pencil, pen, brush in hand.
Thursday - Spinning...or any fun wool work.
Friday - Make up day. Get the things done you didn't get done on Wednesday and Thursday (being realistic here).
Weekends are wild cards. Just try to be mindful of what you'd really like to do with your "one wild and precious life".
Okay, this post went way off the rails. My original plan was to tell you about the new I-64 Spring Fiber Fling yarn crawl we are participating in this month, but I'll have to try for that again tomorrow. That means I need to find a new picture to share today because anyone who's made it to the end of this epistle deserves a pretty or at least funny picture.
Hang tight while I search the archives....because I need to add photography into the schedule above. Okay, I've added the picture of me and Frankie having a meeting about our spring schedule the other morning. We're probably doomed ;-).
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