Friday, March 21, 2025

Old Ladies

Short Round has really had a hard time this winter.  Well, she was okay until the real winter weather hit and then, even though things sure felt like they were headed north, they were actually headed south.  I kept hoping if she could make it out to spring grass that maybe she'd get her legs back under her.   

When I saw her totter out the other night I knew I'd made the right call.  Everyone stays here as long as they're happy.  And seeing her happy sure made me happy. Taking care of pensioners is not easy.

"Neither is getting old, but I'm doing okay."

It's had to believe that Betsy is going to be 17 this summer.  She's still tottering about as well and I always like to see her out on the spring grass as well.

"What am I doing in a post about old ladies?"

Maisie still got a few licks in on some folks in for the I-64 Spring Fiber Fling last Saturday.  She's hoping to get a few more opportunities tomorrow.  She will be greeting visitors between 11:00 and 4:00.  I'd bring some cookies...just saying ;-).

I love twilight photos.  Here's a new puzzle.  Enjoy!


Marcy said...

Yay for the old gals! Some mornings all I can do is totter out to my chair. I know how they feel.

Shirley said...

I've been tottering about myself these last few months!
Betsy 17? How did that happen.... my Foose cat will be 16 on April 15th. We had to shave his mats off and he has that lion look going on.

Far Side of Fifty said...

How can Betsy be 17? Yeah Short Round looks like you made it to the Spring grass! Maisie was a turd...hope everyone is okay:)

wahlywool said...

I can identify...must be why being at your farm feels so welcoming.

Terry and Linda said...

Golly! Time has flown. I remember well the beginning of those sweethearts at Solstice Farms. (I'm a tad old myself)


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