Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Post Card From The Trail

Quick Iknitarod check in.  It's late and I'm tired which is never a good combo for blogging, but the last few days have been crazy busy.  More about all that later.

I'm still mushing along and I'm so happy to have a new dog team to follow as I knit and that's made the race fun again.  Justin Olnes of Rerun Kennel is racing a team made up of 75% rescued dogs.  This is a great story and if you're interested, check him out.

On the Iknitarod Trail, I've finished the back of the vest (minus the bind off at the bottom) and am ready to pick up the stitches at the top edge to start down the front.  I was hoping to get that started tonight, but I had other duties and now I'm tired and headed for "one of my 8s" (mandatory eight hour rests ;-).

Mushin on!

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