Sunday, April 29, 2018


This robin nest is right out the greenhouse door...just off the back porch. Saint Tim put some wire fencing around the tree to try and discourage any bad cat behavior, but we won't rest easy until they've safely fledged.  We are enjoying watching them though.

I'm not sure if the adult in the first four pictures is the male or the female.  One feeds the kids and one cleans up after them.  Between the worms and the 'what comes next', I'm not sure I'd like either job ;-).

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Very Best Momma

Today was a big vet day.  We started at the house and vaccinated all the barn cats.  Then we went to the barn and they did the dogs.  Next came the sheep.  

I had a pen of frail sheep separated out that didn't need to be jostled around in the main pen.  We left Maisie in that pen as well as she's, um, a little mentally frail and no one wanted to get rhinoceros-ed by her, especially as she'd recently sharpened her fangs ;-).  Everyone else was crowded into a small working pen so they were easy to catch without any running around and in no time at all everyone was done.

From there we went to the other end of the barn where Rocky and Jared, the two Nistock rams that had been at Tring Farm for the last few years, have now moved.  They needed a retirement home and our place seemed most obvious.  Family takes care of family.  To live here though they needed to be castrated.

After that...we gathered up our supplies...and our nerve...and walked back into the main barn.  I knew what I'd see.  I just knew.  

I don't know what Muffin and Pepperpot knew.  Maybe Muffin was just a little stressed from getting her booster shot and was only looking for some comfort and reassurance.  Maybe Mrs. Pepperpot knew she was in a bad way and something was going to be done.  Maybe they'd both understood what I'd tried to tell them last night.  

As I stood there trying to get up my courage to open the door, Mrs. P. turned her head and tucked it over Muffin's.  I quickly took this one last picture because I was afraid I'd regret it if I didn't and then laid my head on the wall and sobbed.  I can break my own heart...but I've never had to break someone else's.

I opened the gate so everyone would go out to graze.  Muffin went out with them.  We had a little apple and Cheerios party and Mrs. P. went easily.  Muffin was one of the first sheep back to the barn and she came right in to see her and I think understood.  

Muffin is a big girl. She grew up loved and encouraged and nothing is going to stop her.  That she grew up at all is a testament to her toughness.  And it was that love and devotion and toughness that made everyone fall in love with both of them.  

It was an honor, Mrs. Pepperpot.  We will all take good care of your baby.  And we'll all miss the heck out of you.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Wait For It...

"Is that lady bothering you?"

"No, not really."

"What are you looking at?"

"You're looking at my mouth?"

"You mean..."


You might have the cutest teefers ever!

Final Frontier Farm, Paris, Kentucky

And here's a new puzzle :-).

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Today's Nap Brought To You By...

...bossy big sisters who use you as a foot rest :-).

Final Frontier Farm, Paris, Kentucky

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Friday, April 20, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

It Takes A Village...Or A Sister

We've been calling this small mixing pen the "cat corner" (there's a litter of kittens behind that big fan ;-), but I also called this the "pen of confusion" the other day.  I was filling water buckets and noticed things were a little crazy and a couple lambs in this pen were probably not nursing off the correct moms.  I watched for a minute and sure enough they were all swapped around.  

It's not normal for ewes to let other ewes lambs nurse and two of the lambs are a couple days older than the other two so I was concerned the smaller ones were not getting enough to eat.  I pulled the lambing book to check ear tags so I could figure out who was supposed to be where and guess what!

The two moms are sisters :-). 

It's definitely not an ideal situation, but they seem to be making it work.  These are their first lambs so I'm sure they are happy to have each other's company and support and between the two of them, they've got this motherhood thing :-D.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Universal Just 'Borned' Look

"I can't believe you took my picture with my hair all sopping wet."

Final Frontier Farm, Paris, Kentucky

And a new puzzle :-).

Friday, April 13, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Sweet Sisters

Those sweet sisters from the other day.

Could they be any cuter?

I couldn't pick a favorite, but I did make one into a puzzle :-).

Final Frontier Farm, Paris, Kentucky

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Babysitter

I'm going to keep you in suspense for the even cuter pictures of the sisters from yesterday.  Sorry about that!  Today is National Farm Animal Day so I want to give some props to a hard working "farm animal" I found babysitting half the lambs in the nursery pen this afternoon.

I posted a quick video from Final Frontier Farm at the time and one of the stars of the show was this sweet napping lambie.  I love when they fall asleep and their heads roll back and back and back and just before they hit the ground they jerk back up...and a kid sleeping through math class ;-).

The two lambs in this picture are her lambs.  In the video you can see all the other lambs curled up around her.  She's apparently the neighborhood favorite :-).

Monday, April 9, 2018

You Might Think This Is A Cute Picture

And for sure it is...but believe it or not, it's not the cutest picture I took of these two lambs :-). 

Final Frontier Farm, Paris, Kentucky

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

Nestled In A Nest

Wednesday was the coldest lambing day I've experienced.  Well, maybe not the coldest, but with the wind factored in, it sure felt like it.  Normally I have to drag myself away from the lambing barn.  I was actually watching the clock, counting down the hours until I could clock out.  

This little lamb found the perfect spot to take a nap, nestled deep in a straw nest.  He's a new puzzle for you if you are looking for something to do on a snowy (yes, in April ?!?) Saturday.  Enjoy!  The puzzle, not the snow :-o.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

If You're Going To Do Something Silly...

...and I determine you aren't upset and in immediate danger...I'm going to go grab the camera ;-D.

"How'd you get in there?"


Final Frontier Farm, Paris, Kentucky

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Moms Are Cute, Too!

I just love this chubby cheeked, smiley ewe :-).

But what you may have missed in the first picture is she has her feet crossed :-D.

Final Frontier Farm, Paris, Kentucky

Monday, April 2, 2018

Well, I Guess We Can All Go Home Now

Because I don't think we're going to top this cutie!

But I guess we'll just have to have fun trying ;-).

Final Frontier Farm, Paris, Kentucky

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter

A beautiful Easter lamb (and puzzle :-) to celebrate the official start of 2018 Lamb Camp!

Tring Farm, Cynthiana, Kentucky


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