I'd love to know if this is a universal sheep trait or just a practice the punks ascribe to around here. I first noticed this with baby Punkin 18 (holy cow!) years ago. I'd bought him a bale of really nice alfalfa hay. I kept a flake in front of him at all times. He barely ate it. However, each night when I got home from work and let him play around the barn with me, he'd immediately run to the very same bale and stuff it into his mouth as fast as he could. The very same hay.
Last night everyone was hollering at me. Everyone. I'm assuming they were yelling about my starving them to death (might have been something else, but I'm going with that as opposed to possibly my lack of intelligence, how big my butt is...). We have about 10 bales of some clean, but not super pretty, soft, or tasty grass hay that I'd love to get rid of before true "hay feeding season" starts. As no one truly appears to be starving around here, I decided I'd throw them a few flakes of that hay just to
shut them up give them something to pick around on.
I used the little wagon to pull the bale outside, cut the strings and set out 6 flakes of hay around the barn lot. No one was at all interested, but as soon as I turned my back, they mobbed the wagon.

Don't let pitiful looking "I can't get to the food cart" Mia fool you. She's just studying the situation.

And that's her standing on top just seconds later.

Hank stayed out of the way. Far out of the way.
This morning the hay on the wagon is all gone. All 6 piles remain untouched.
These party pics are all SOOC (straight out of camera) by the way. I can't say enough about that cute little lens. It apparently won't work with my D40x - lacks a motor to drive it if I understand correctly - so in case you too decide you'd like to try one, make sure your camera can support it.