Wednesday, January 1, 2025

As You Plan To Carry On

I enjoy the New Year's Day challenge of trying to fit in a tiny bit of EVERYTHING that I hope to carry on throughout the new year.  I never get it all done, but it's good to at least think about what I'm hoping to accomplish in the upcoming trip around the sun.

I haven't done any spinning or knitting yet today, but it's only 8:30.  I might even at least dust my loom!  I did process a tiny amount of wool using a fun electric drum carder I have on loan from a friend.  You'll never guess who this I'll tell you.

As I was looking for something else the other day I found this in a tub of odds and ends.  It's a couple of ounces of one of Renny's last fleeces.  Look!  A chicken!  (Instant distraction :-)

I took some pictures with my big camera with the plan to do a blog post (see how I'm fitting everything in?) and also made a couple of videos so you can see how the carder works.  It hums along with just a hint of sound as the wool brushes through.  A little wool processing ASMR.

Time to get spinning :-).  Happy New Year!


Michelle said...

Well, I woke up with my dog, rode my horse, did some cleaning and cooking, and now I'm knitting, so I guess that's a pretty good representation of the coming year. I think I'll pick up the spindle that has already started spinning some fiber and add some singles; that will top things off.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! You really did start the year well.
Looking forward to seeing everything you post in 2025!

Terry and Linda said...

Renny! An amazing sheep!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Aww we remember Renny fondly. That was faster carding than the hand carders...however there is much to be said about hand carding...I found it relaxing:)


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