Wednesday, January 22, 2025

About Last Night

I feel like we've gone below zero before, but maybe because of all the snow and ice it felt even colder.  It was miserable.  

I kept hay in front of everyone and they all made it through, but when I walked into the barn this morning feeling around for the light switch and heard a tiny little voice respond "Momma?" to my "Hey guys, just me." and knew that Maisie had stood all night in the skirting area, I nearly cried.  I'm as tired of it as they are.  -7 is just. too. cold.

I took 48 pictures this morning.  Pictures I thought would tell a story.  They probably do, but the pictures themselves weren't worth sharing.  This one is cute though and does tell me a story.  Crazy old Burrnie has fully embraced sneaking over to the gate for handfuls of the Easy Breezy alfalfa or cookies.  

We've had lots of cookie parties to not only help with morale, but also to make sure everyone is acting right.  Tabitha looked better yesterday, but was a little off again this morning.  She's due for her second dose of antibiotics and the weather is sort of breaking so hopefully she'll be on the mend.

Hang in there, southerners.  It's got to end eventually...and then we can all go back to complaining about the heat ;-).


Far Side of Fifty said...

Everyone might need blankets before the cold spell is over. Poor Maisie:(

diane in northern wis said...

I love your posts and your stories about your dear sheep. So glad I found your blog. Are you in Kentucky? Sorry about all your nasty weather. It's everywhere. We had -28 last night! Praying it warms up everywhere soon!

Terry and Linda said...

I hope Maiszy is alright!! I'm so ready for winter to leave. It's terrible this year

karen said...

we are getting a warm up to 25 degrees, hopefully you are getting a similar warm up!

Anonymous said...

Poor Maisy, this made me feel sad for her. I guess sheep don't get winter blankets like horses? Heat lamps like poultry?


thecrazysheeplady said...

Yes, we are in Kentucky. Finally starting to thaw out. I've enjoyed the snow, but I'm ready for less cold.

thecrazysheeplady said...

She actually has a blanket she wears. It helps a little, but not enough when you are old and cold :-(.

Black Horse Vital Honey said...

its work well


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