Sunday, January 5, 2025

Bring Out Your Sleighs!

Depending on who's forecast wins, we could be in for some misery...or some fun.  In the hopes that for once it's going to be fun, and hopefully big fun, we are ready!  

Everyone, especially farmers, have spent the last day or so preparing for a Kentucky Snowmageddon.  We have super low temps predicted, anywhere from 1-3" to 10-13" to 16" of snow, and fingers crossed it doesn't happen, possibly ice.  

Whatever we get, it probably won't be going anywhere until maybe March...or at least up into February.  I'm sure it will get mighty old, mighty quick, but until that happens, if we get a decent amount of snow, we're going to break out the sleigh bells and get to do something that only happens every ten years or so around here.

Short Round.  Such a fun and funny sheep.  Maybe she's already looking towards next year's Christmas card :-).

I hope this sleigh is as excited as we are.  It hasn't been out for a spin in over 20 years.  It's an Albany cutter and was built around 1905 and restored 35 years ago.   These sleighs were the sports cars of sleighs and this one seats two people "If you're married."  Tim says he's not coming out until March, so I guess it will be me and 20 :-).  

This is considered a "city sleigh" so it was not used for deep snow.  If we get deep snow, I'm going to pack down a track in the side field.   Hopefully Auntie Reg can come over and hear her dad's sleigh bells in action.  Big thanks to her for remembering we wanted to do this if it ever snowed again.

Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed...for all the best outcomes.


Michelle said...

Oh, I DO hope you and Frankie and a "close" friend will get have some fun with that GORGEOUS sleigh!!!

kruzingwithk9s said...

We are in Michigan and want the snow and it is all going under us. Send some this way please.

Michelle said...

I'm here in Green county and we had a light snow this morning and a glaze of ice. Blah.... I look forward to seeing this sleigh in action!

Shirley said...

What a beautiful cutter! 120 years old- wow! I hope you get plenty of use out of it with just the right amount of snow.

Lori Skoog said...

Love the sleigh!!! I have sleigh bells....would love to hear them on Frankie. You and Auntie Reg are going to have a ball!

Auntie Reg said...

I will try but I will probably be on the Hillside till February

Anonymous said...

What a stunning cutter! We're game to take a ride with you and Frankie. That would be so much fun! Massively grateful we all still have power...

The Odyssey Farm said...

Hmm. Last comment is J&V...

Anonymous said...

Hope you got the snow, we had a nice light snow to begin with and now it's sleet, ice and rain. Ugh. As long as it stays calm we will have power. Temps are supposed to fall this evening so I will get out to move slush around and salt. Would love to see a sleigh pull! Anna in SW Virginia

katherine littrell said...

What a gorgeous sleigh!! We have over knee high snow here and it's still coming down! ❄❄❄❄

karen said...

we are getting snow but not as much as you will!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! A one-horse open sleigh! It was 86F a couple of days ago down in Ol' Texas (ugh) and yet we are forecast for snow Wed-Thur. Somehow I don't think Tucker the donkey would pull us in any improvised contraption.--Sage

Cappy said...

What fun! I hope it happens! I have some old sleigh bells that need to be mounted on new leather. Hmmm... Maybe a good winter project. Would love to hear them on a horse and sleigh!

LannieK said...

If we weren't about to get dumped on, I'd head your direction. How cool. It's a stunning ole sleigh! You are gonna have so much fun!

Far Side of Fifty said...

How wonderful, hope you get just enough snow to have a day or two of sleigh riding!! Have fun!! The package arrived this morning, thank you so much...I really enjoyed reading the lamb camp booklet!

Terry and Linda said...

loved hearing the jingle of the bells and seeing you ride around


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