Some days Ewenice and Renny want to just hang out in the yard. Some days they tell me they want to go out with everyone else. I'm sure part of the decision comes from who looks like they have the best food choices ;-).
I was ready to post some pretty weekend Ewenice in the yard pictures (she could support her own whole calendar I think) but as I was headed to the house for lunch I saw this.

Today was a 'let's go out' day. I'd opened the back paddock up for everyone yesterday and when I'd checked on Renny and Ewenice earlier I found they had chosen to stay up in the big stall while everyone else headed out back. I guess when they were good and ready they ventured out.

Hank snarfled around the big pond until he heard Iris barking out front and then it was back to work. You might be able to see him on the look out if you biggify.

Renny gets along pretty well with everyone, but her best friend will always be Miss Ewenice.

Here's a non-zoom shot to put things in perspective. It's always curious to me how compressed everything looks when I zoom in. You'll have to biggify to see the sheep. I am proud of Renny going out that far.
I was ready to post some pretty weekend Ewenice in the yard pictures (she could support her own whole calendar I think) but as I was headed to the house for lunch I saw this.

Today was a 'let's go out' day. I'd opened the back paddock up for everyone yesterday and when I'd checked on Renny and Ewenice earlier I found they had chosen to stay up in the big stall while everyone else headed out back. I guess when they were good and ready they ventured out.

Hank snarfled around the big pond until he heard Iris barking out front and then it was back to work. You might be able to see him on the look out if you biggify.

Renny gets along pretty well with everyone, but her best friend will always be Miss Ewenice.

Here's a non-zoom shot to put things in perspective. It's always curious to me how compressed everything looks when I zoom in. You'll have to biggify to see the sheep. I am proud of Renny going out that far.
Way to go Renny. She AND her BF must feel comfortable with the others.
You have so much room and lovely fenced in pastures! All your sheep must be lovin it :-)
Mission accomplished. I'm grinning from ear to ear. So glad to see Renny and her BFF hanging out with the other kids.
She sure has come a long way, just melts your heart.
Yay! (insert warm heart radiating here)
Smile indeed!!! What a happy episode this has been for the farm family, the damsel sheep in distress and the Shepherdess rescuer...... a sheep fairy tale where they all live happily ever after ;-)
I guess Renny's letting you know that she feels safe again. What a wonderful ending to such a tragic story. You should be very proud of all the effort, time and love you put into bringing that ewe back from the brink.
I know. It was a team effort. Miss Ewenice should be proud too!
You and Renny and Miss Ewenice are all amazing.
Oh I am so happy for Renny. She is doing so well. I know that has to be the best feeling. How lucky she is and you for having her now :) Beautiful farm Sarah!
I love seeing your rolling pastures and beautiful fencing with your sheep grazing without a care in the world. Such a serene scene. Yay for Renny :)
She is doing great, I'm proud of her..:-))
p.s. Aren't zooms great?..
Wow, you really have a big place. I guess because of all the zooming in I thought the sheep were close to the house, but apparently not. Nice place.
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