If you are headed out on the I-64 Spring Fiber Fling Trail this weekend, here are some things to know if you are coming here.
Yes, the Wool House is my studio, but it's also a fiber shop, class room, gathering spot, place of respite. Please come on in!
Everyone is welcome here. This is a safe space.
If you want to just stop by and get your passport stamped, that's perfectly fine.
If you only want to meet the sheep, that's fine too. I'd probably bring some toll "money" - vanilla wafers or saltine crackers ;-).
If you'd like to spend an hour or two sitting on the porch with your spinning wheel or current project, watching the sheep and horses and listening to the birds (or the rain fall on the metal roof), that's also fine...and encouraged. Bring a picnic lunch!
If you are stumped by your current project or spinning wheel or spindle and feel comfortable asking for help, I'll do my best to get you back on track. Note that I am more hack than genius, but sometimes it's better to be lucky than good :-).
And obviously, if you are looking for some unique local yarns or spinning fibers, learn to spin kits, wool sheep ornaments, farm inspired folk art cards,... please fill your free My Favorite Sheep bag to the top :-).
Yep, if you stop by during the I-64 Spring Fiber Fling, you'll get a free tote bag (while supplies last).
And if you've enjoyed your visit, but just don't need anymore yarn (whatever), but would like to tip the sheep, you can always Buy Them A [Bale Of Hay]
* * * * *
The forecast is not great, but it's Kentucky in the spring... The Wool House will be open from 11:00 to 4:00 on Saturday and 1:00 to 4:00 on Sunday and again next weekend. Other hours can probably be arranged. Just email to make an appointment.
Your posts always make me wish we still lived in Louisville, that my hands let me knit or crochet, and that DS2 wasn't allergic to wool.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Sounds like fun!
Your invite is very tempting :)
I sure wish I could come visit! It’s a little too far from California! I LOVE that you said “everyone is welcome here, this is a safe space”.
Have a great turn out!
I wish I lived near you. I really, really, really do
Me too!
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