Tuesday, April 5, 2022

A Blast From The Past

I've been crawling back through old files trying to find pictures of early bottle lambs and a. we didn't take many pictures back then b. what few pictures we did take are not great c. the old camera phones were not great either.  However, a bad picture taken with a bad camera is still way better than no picture at all :-).

For anyone who hasn't been following the blog since those early days, here is a picture/time I'd almost forgotten.  Baby Maisie is two months old, still living in the house and still small enough to curl up with Betsy on the couch.  



Marcy said...

Wonderful picture! I remember Maisie when she was that small.💕

Linda said...

Priceless is right!

Shelley said...

Ha! Hard to believe now but I remember 'sweet Maisie'

Vandermolen said...

Very special.❤️

katherine littrell said...

I remember Betsy the lamb nanny! And my girl, Maisie! I was amazed at how tiny she was. Small but Mighty!! Still is.

Cheryl West said...

Tiny, sweet Maisie, now all grown up and the guard sheep at night.

Goatldi said...

Sometimes the best memories are the ones we’ve forgotten and work their way back into our heart. Priceless to be sure!

Shirley said...

Aha Maisie did have sweet moments! Betsy is a very special kitty.

LannieK said...

I remember that photo ~❤️~ Priceless for sure!

Give that girl a hug for me, and Maisie too 💕

Far Side of Fifty said...

Maisie looks so sweet! :)

Camp said...

Maizie sweet back love this picture. good girl Betsy


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