Thursday, April 21, 2022

Happy Bees


I am happy to report that Stella's bee hives are all alive and well and once again we've made it through winter with no losses.  That's a pretty impressive record actually, as we've heard quite a few stories of significant hive losses over the last few years.  

We are no experts and aren't really "successful" honey producers these days, but we are very happy to help maintain a steady bee population and we think the keys to our successes/good luck are not opening the hives and bothering the bees any more than we absolutely have to and not taking too much much honey from them.  We've also never treated our hives for any serious diseases.

If you are looking for an enjoyable book to read about beekeeping...and life, I will once again recommend A Country Year:Living The Questions by Sue Hubbell.  It's one of my very favorites.

Here is a fun (and a bit hard) new puzzle.  For those keeping score at home, disregard my work time.  I actually worked it twice, once as a gift from a friend and once after I created it to my account so I'd have record of my working it...or something.  


Shirley said...

Yay for healthy bees with a minimum of fuss!

Laura L. said...

I love that book! It's one of the few that I have on my shelf (usually I just read library books). Congratulations on your success. And thanks for another puzzle.

Terry and Linda said...

I love that book. You recommended and I bought and read it. What a delight. Ilove your photo!

LannieK said...

That's great news! You are so lucky to have bees nearby. Tell Stella hi! 🐝

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yeah for Stella's hives and bees! :)

Camp said...

it was hard--but so beautiful when finished. yay bees--stay strong!

The Odyssey Farm said...

Love that book! Congrats on your continued success with your bees, and a warm hello to Stella!


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