Friday, April 15, 2022

Where On Earth... the blog?!?

 It's sure a puzzle...and an actual puzzle.


Rosesnhounds said...

I love you Instagram photos very much, but also miss your descriptions and stories on the blog. You must be incredibly busy on the farm. But when you can spare the time, it’s so fun to hear about all the creatures and their personalities and habits.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have green grass! Hope you feel like blogging sometime soon!! I miss you!

LannieK said...

Look at that green!
And there's sweet Betsy ~ good to see you kitty.

Camp said...

Cover Girl Betsy! she will make an excellent puzzle!

Camp said...

the puzzle was great--super hard grass--for me lol

Shirley said...

In the world of instant gratification, blogs are a breath of fresh air.

Laura L. said...

Yay for the blog AND a puzzle!


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