Friday, July 12, 2024

For The Record

I know the purple martins are close to leaving.  They leave way earlier than they should you'd think and it's the most depressing day of a sea of depressing days...because it's summer. 

We've had a lot of martins this year.  Adding the second house last year (?) really gave them some extra room and I'm going to add four gourds to the new house for next year.  I've seen farms with multiple houses and I know why they do it.  I am tempted to add a third house as well.   

Enjoy some happy chatter :-)


janejmtl said...

I love happy bird chatter. I hope you do add a third house next year.

Shirley said...

The gourds are interesting! Do they prefer them to the birdhouse?

thecrazysheeplady said...

I'm not sure they prefer them to the house, but they do use them. It's an easy way to give them a little more room without having to assemble a house and set a new pole.


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