Friday, August 2, 2024

Green Morning

It's amazing how fast the grass starts to green back up.

We finally got some rain.  I am grateful...but you could probably also hear a bit of ungrateful in my tone :-/.  Frequently, when it waits until the heat of the day to rain, we get storms.  We got some rain, but it destroyed my plant shade area and flattened most of my sunflowers.  

Well, the first storm did...and then I spent about an hour yesterday morning standing as many back up as I could and while it wasn't pretty, most would still feed the bees and the birds...until the second storm blew through last evening.

I haven't been out for a close look.  I'm just so disappointed.  This was the best sunflower patch I've even grown. I'm not sure I can bring myself to go out and try to fix everything again.  I can probably tuck everything back into the dirt and keep them alive for a bit longer, but...sigh...

The second worst thing I regret is that I didn't take the time to take some good pictures.  I've had so many gold finches out there on them and I was excited for a gold finch photo for the calendar and I didn't make the time.  Thought I'd have plenty of time.  There's a lesson there for sure.

My neighbor has a stash of seeds, so I'm going to hustle and put some in pots to try and grow a few more that might make it to maturity before we get a freeze.  At this point I'd guess since I'll need it to hold off and give me some more time, fall will come early this year.  It would be a win either way. But I'd really rather have my sunflowers back.

A cell phone shot from an evening last week.  

Both pictures are new puzzles.


Shirley said...

It's too bad the rain came at the price of your sunflowers! I have a tarp rolled up near my garden that I can pull over for the storms/hail- but my garden is waaaay smaller than yours!
It is always a good thing to listen to those small voices that prompt you to do things.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Aww so sorry about the storms and wind. Your patch looks pretty anyways:)

Goatldi said...

Wonderful for the rain. Not so much on the outcome. It is a pain in the bum to plan, plant, care and lose. I see a journey and a lesson here but it may not be realized until later down the road. Funny how that works. Thanks for the new puzzle a bitter sweet one but I am very grateful.

Terry and Linda said...

Your patch is lovely! I feel like we are heading toward an early fall this year also. I don't know why---but the feeling is there


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