Monday, August 12, 2024

Tour De Fleece Wrap Up

Last week I walked out of the Wool House and around my car to find my beloved bike crashed and all the accessories strewn about...and a sassy little tail sashaying away.  Hit and run.  A bit like my Tour de Fleece this year.  If you look closely, Jared is standing up the hill peeking around the back of the truck.  Jared does not like drama.  He lives with Maisie...

I ended up spinning four bobbins of Ellie's lamb fleece.  I had some issues with back fatigue because I was using a not ideal chair in the air conditioned wash room so I could hang out with Pinot while I spun.  I didn't make any effort to change my chair until almost the end.  I'd have probably spun more if I'd done that earlier.  My typical can't get out of my own way strategy.

Removing the chair aspect, Ellie was a fun spin.  The yarn is super soft and just a bit fuzzy and a beautiful creamy white.  I loved it even, or more so, as a single, which is not very common for me.

I did my weights and measures thing and paired up the appropriate skeins for plying and then swapped out to the double arms for my skein winder.

This is my favorite way to ply.  Everything stays nice and tidy and evenly tensioned and by using skeins rather than balls or bobbins, you have a better idea of what each skein looks like throughout and I find I have better luck matching up my singles that way as I'm not a very consistent spinner, especially over a long time frame.

I was able to get most of the plying done during the day with just a little bit left for after evening chores.  The porch was cool and comfortable, even in the heat of the afternoon.

As I was plying I noticed a pretty big spider crawling on a ball of wool off to my left.  Just as I was thinking I needed to remember to watch for that in the morning it took off towards the ceiling and I realized she was building a big web.  That really struck me, the two of us spinning on the porch.  Two Wool House Crafters :-).

I ended up with a little over 700 yards of smushy, cozy, sportweight/dk yarn.

It lost a bit of it's fuzziness being plyed, but Ellie's dad was a Cotswold cross from Nistock Farms so I know if I want it back all I'll need to do is run a soft brush over my finished item.  The pattern I've picked will look pretty either way.  The skein winder is from Nistock's as well - good sheep, good tools :-).

I started knitting a few practice rows with the small skein yesterday.  I'd have more to show if I hadn't had trouble counting to nine, but I've practiced doing the stitches required for the patterning and I'm hoping to get started for real this afternoon or tomorrow.

Tomorrow we are going to go back to In Person Crafters here on the farm.  We'll still be on Zoom as well as we are every Tuesday, but if you are local and would like to come out from 7:00 to 9:00 on the second Tuesday of each month until it gets too cold, the porch is really nice now - spider approved :-).  We'll have to over flow onto the grass so maybe wear long pants if you are a bug magnet.


karen said...

the spider wanted to join in on the spinning, lol. Beautiful spinning and yarn!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh Maisie what a trouble maker:) Beautiful looking yarn!

Barbara Anne said...

Hope your bike and the other things on the ground weren't actually damaged and love the weaving you're doing.
Speaking of weaving, overnight a very large agriope (sp?) garden spider built a web in the doorway of my husband's workshop. I was carrying a box so wasn't looking where I was going, opened the door, and walked thru the huge web! ICK! It actually crackled as I walked into it and I could see two huge legs at the top of the door frame. Ick again plus shudder! DH got a broom and sent the spider into the flower bed and darned if he isn't right back in the doorway examining the damage I caused to his web.
Wished we lived closer to you but I well remember the 5 taxes we paid while living in Louisville: federal, state, Jefferson Co, city of Louisville, and township of St. Matthews.


Goatldi said...

Absolutely stunning. Do you have anymore of her fleece available?

Donna Schoonover said...

That yarn is gorgeous!

Terry and Linda said...

As always I wish I were as talented as you. I love what you are doing

Shirley said...

But there might have been Cheerios or Nilla wafers in the bike!!!! Can't blame a girl for checking... thoroughly ;o)

Linda said...

MAISIE!!! You little .....Darling :) You are such a brat, lol! Sara, your spinning always looks amazing. I aspire to spin like you one day. Maybe if I did it as often as you do that goal might be achieved. :D


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