Sunday, August 11, 2024


July was a pretty fun month...except the heat and drought...which is easier to forget when it takes over a week to get the month end compilation put together.

The highlight of the month was getting to see my friend Robin and her dear cousin Caroline.  We had a great visit and did pretty much everything we wanted to do including driving Frankie, complete with Christmas in July sleigh bells, making sauerkraut, taking a small painting class, setting up together for the Bluegrass Yarn and Fiber Crawl, some punch needle work, checking for monarchs, watering gardens, taking care of sheep, talking sheep and fiber, cooking good food, going to the farm market, taking Bea to Dairy Queen, and really, really enjoying just getting to hang out together.

"Our" purple martins had already headed south, but we had plenty of company from large groups stopping by on their way though.  More this year than ever.  I wonder if it's because we have two houses now and we are "on the map".

The Tour de Fleece happened and while I lost the course several times, I did get some nice yarn spun and I'll share that in my next post.  Maisie "kindly" has provided the perfect TdF wrap up picture to lead it off ;-).


Terry and Linda said...

There is something so special about friends who understand and 'know' you. Thank you for the July update. It was fun to read

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to get together with like-minded friends and go interesting places, do fun things, and enjoy each others' company!
Hope you get a nice amount of rain and cooler temperatures. Oddly for this area in August, our high today is 86*F and low tonight 66*F. The week ahead is forecast to be about the same. Not complaining, but what's up with that??



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