Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Fine Memory

I was doing evening chores and as I checked the water tank out back I noticed the sheep starting to gather up to come in for the night.  I just love watching my sheep and thought to turn on the camera to video them.  I'm so glad I did. 

Not only did I capture how they all start collecting themselves to wander up, but also their walk up the hill to the barn and then several of them checked in with me and then the bats started flying out and it was all so peaceful and something I never want to forget.

For the Biscuit and Muffin fans, notice them walking up together at the beginning.  They are still best friends or adopted brother and sister all these years later.  They were lambs in 2017 (!).

I know I've mentioned how Lancelot watches me throughout the day and you can see him raise his head to check in with me as I'm filming.  I'm glad I caught that as well.  


Michelle said...

Uh, how could that have been SEVEN YEARS ago?

Shirley said...

Peaceful moments like that are indeed precious.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your sheeps love you:)

Terry and Linda said...

This is ever so special and wonderful and delightful all at the very same time! :)


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