Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Rest Of The Story

I've been holding out hope that this part of the story would have a happy ending, but it doesn't.  Last Tuesday evening a raccoon got in our chicken coop.  Right at dusk I heard a commotion in the coop and raced in to see what was going on.

As I opened the people door, all the chickens flew out in a panic.  I started looking around and couldn't see anything and the chicken door was closed.  As best I can figure, something came in just as the automatic door was getting ready to close and then got spooked as it did and split.

I counted heads and Yaya, the beloved crowing hen, was missing.  Even though she crows, she also lays eggs and once or twice a year goes off to set.  I looked in all of her usual spots and nothing.  She was good about coming when called, even while setting,...and it's now been a week.  

I put out the game camera that night and a raccoon came back three times to try to break into the coop.  I was able to trap it Wednesday night and it now has a new zip code and things have been quiet since.  Too quiet. 

Not only did I really enjoy hearing her crow each morning, but she was another early morning driveway greeter.  Jared waited at the top of the hill.  Yaya marched on down to meet me.  She got special treats each morning and it was best I not be late.

I'm here all day on the farm by myself.  I spend more time with these animals than any other people.  These are my friends.  My strange funny family.  I miss everyone.  A lot.

Thank you so much for all the kind notes and comments, here and on the "socials".  I'm always torn about writing the obituaries, but I know I'm not the only person invested in this strange funny family.  It's a shared family of not only you all and the animals, but you all and me and you all and each other.  Family is important.

Everybody take care of each other.

And let's not have any more of this for a good long time.


Shirley said...

Awww so sorry to read this. This last week or so has been really tough for a lot of people. We are so invested in our animals that when one passes it leaves a big void and yes it hurts just as much as the passing of one of our human family.
You sure have had your share of losses. (((hugs)))

Michelle said...

So sorry to hear this.

Vivienne said...

Aww, I'm so sorry to hear this, Sara.

Anchor Cottage said...

Thank you for being so caring.

Barbara Anne said...

Oh, Sara, I'm so very sorry for the loss of Yaya and hope someone else among the hens will take up her song and her morning greetings for you.

Big hugs!

Terry and Linda said...

Right now I'm taking care of a very sick kitty. Not TLC but my daughter's Bellamy. I have high hopes of pulling him through. He wants to live so that helps. I told you this, because like you it doesn't matter if they wear fur or feathers...they have huge chunks of our hearts. I'm so sorry, Sara!

Sheepmom said...

Awww, she was such a character and so pretty. They are all special. Losing two nearly at once was a cruel blow. She had a good life with you and her sheep friends.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, Sara. Yaya, you will be missed, you sweet loveable hen. Best friends stick together.
Memories. They are good ones...

indigo dogs said...

I am so sorry...I never know what to say...thank God for memories of all those special times...


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