Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Power Couple

I was planning on FINALLY writing up a post about my pumpkin patch, but when I downloaded my pictures I really wasn't super happy with them so I'm going to try again, maybe in the morning.  

I did get a sweet picture of Jared and Short Round though.  I call them my "power couple".  When they were grazing in the yard over the winter, I frequently found them together.  I loved that.  

Short Round is still creaking along, but the old man is slowing down.  I know he's old, but I also think he misses Rocky.  He still loves to stand out with me in the mornings and watch the sun rise though and I treasure those times.  


Kathy said...

I have a little ewe, Lilith (Lily), 9 years old, who lost her mom in 2020. She was very saddened by that. This last winter she lost her mentor, surrogate mama, and best friend, Sugar. She is so depressed she barely enjoys life now. I don’t know what to do. Madeleine has taken her on but even sweet Maddie isn’t booster her up.
Yes, sheep bond. They can bond hard and fast, as you and I have found. 😥

thecrazysheeplady said...

Jared said to tell you that cookies help. Lots of cookies. And maybe some watermelon too.

Terry and Linda said...

I always wonder about those people who say animals are stupid. That animals don't have souls and can't really think--they only react.

I always wonder. Because, we know!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice to have a friend to enjoy the sunrise with:)


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