Thursday, July 20, 2023

Yarn Shots

First I was just going to quickly post the new and improved yarn shot, but then I thought it might be interesting to share the before and after pictures to show how different they actually were.  I loaded the big girl camera shot...

 ...and...that's not what it looks like on my camera and computer and in real life.  

Oh right, I'd forgotten that Blogger "auto enhances" our pictures to "improve" them.  There is a way to turn that "feature" off, but it's fairly complicated and involves services I don't really use, so...whatever.  Yeesh.  I'll post the picture directly to IG and see what happens there.

Here's a picture of a smiling Wool House :-).  This little fence has been used for way more than stopping chickens from digging up my flowers this summer.  I love hanging yarn on it and it's perfect for drying towels and sheets as well.  

The main Tour de France/Fleece is wrapping up this week, but there's still the women's race next week so our group is spinning on.  So far I've spun Tessa, Blaze, Murphy, Muffin and Ellie.  I'm counting Tessa even though she was technically a warm up spin.

If you've been spinning for the Tour, how's it been going? 


Shirley said...

I had no idea that blogger messes with our photos. Hmmm.

Michelle said...

Interesting; I don't think Blogger messes with my photos, either. I couldn't tell the difference between the two photos on Instagram. The smiling wool house photo is WONDERFUL!

I don't know if I'll get the rest of Rechel's roving spun during the men's race, but can certainly finish it by the end of the women's.

thecrazysheeplady said...

They've actually been doing that for awhile, but usually it's not super noticeable and I just ignore it. You can google it for more information.

tpals said...

News to me also! But I'm not the most observant person.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I love the wool house smiling, best smile I hav seen lately!


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