Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Knitting Orphan

Well, not exactly, but the way Maisie tells it... ;-)

It was too cold and wet to sit outside so I walked around with her for a bit, got her settled into eating good and tried to sneak off into the Wool House.  This usually works just fine and I watch her from inside and unless she wanders too close to the oh so tempting strawberry beds, she entertains herself just fine.

Not today.  I tried several times and she'd hang out for a bit and then back up the sidewalk she'd come.

"I'm a poor motherless child left to fend in the wilds for myself and starve because I can't have a noon time baba anymores and nobody loves me..."

I did manage to add on 11 rows in between guilt trips this afternoon, but if I have any hope of finishing my goal of 20 tonight, I'd better get on it!

I've never used a row counter before.  I've had this tool, but figured I'd be too scatterbrained to remember to click it each time.  Wrong!  I LOVE clicking each row and it's working like a charm.  A new friend :-).

Speaking of friends, the not-a-chicken seems to be okay today.  


Unknown said...

Wow, Maisie is growing like weeds!

Terry and Linda said...

Did I miss something on the chicken thing. Maisie is really a sweet heart lamb...and you have green grass. Not us.


MarmePurl said...

The wool house looks like a most inviting, cozy, comfy place to hang out.
My has Maisie grown.

Tyche's Minder said...

Ok, the picture of Maisie peering in the window is a keeper.

Glad the not-a-chicken is alright.

Tombstone Livestock said...

I see the peeking in the window as another great calendar shot for next year. She just wants to come in a lay in a comfy chair and watch you. Sweater is looking better every day, mush on. Glad the not-a-chicken is going to be ok.

Nina said...

How could you not feel guilty with that sweet face watching you through the window? Your woolhouse looks like a lovely place to work and play.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good news about the not a chicken. No more lunch ba goodness..she is growing up! :)

Unknown said...

too cute!

Alice said...

I feel guilty and it's not even my sheep!! Only a few weeks ago she was beside you on the couch. Maybe you can take your knitting to the barn and sit on the cot together :-). I'm such a sucker, I'd probably be giving Blossom a bottle yet :-)

Unknown said...

Such a pitiful face Maisie -- no more noon babas -- that just means you are a big girl! All of us in blogland (and Mama too) love you. Maybe you could go play with your kitty.

Mush on Sara -- it's looking wonderful!

farmlady said...

"Oh Maisie, you really do know how to lay it on thick."
That photo of Maisie at the window is priceless. I could never resist that.

LannieK said...

Maisie, where's Betsy? You're such a big girl now! Go chase not-a-chicken around for awhile!

We are expecting a 10-12" of snow tomorrow, but desperately need the moisture. Hope you get the sheering done before the storm heads your way.

Beautiful knitting, Sara! You are getting so much done! Jealous (1)

Pam said...

Ok, I left the country six weeks ago and you were a puny, knock-kneed, curled-ankled fragile little lambie. I come home and you're a straight legged pork chop that! Holy cow! Maisie, you look awesome, and Sara, well done! If I ever get puny, I know where I'm going to come hang out.

Kathy said...

You can just drop off Maisie anytime here, Sara. What a little cutie!

Spinners End Farm said...


We had an incident this evening involving hay twine being wrapped around a foot extremely tight that we fortunately caught in matter how careful we are stupid things happen on occasion.

I'm so impressed with your sweater progress in the face of Maisie guilt trips!

Katerina said...

love your red lantern idea and also the actual lantern itself!

Shirley said...

The sweater is growing beautifully.... so is Maisie


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