And I thought Comby warming his 'feets' on the Wool House porch door was going to be the funniest cat picture today.

I walked past the dining room window and out of the corner of my eye...

He he he.
I took a couple pictures through the screen, but they were awful. I knew I'd only get one chance if I tried to sneak outside.

And I was right.

"Hey, can't a cat get some peace and quiet around here?!?"

"Fine. I'm leaving."
"Get that (bleepin') cat condo set up!!!"

I walked past the dining room window and out of the corner of my eye...

He he he.
I took a couple pictures through the screen, but they were awful. I knew I'd only get one chance if I tried to sneak outside.

And I was right.

"Hey, can't a cat get some peace and quiet around here?!?"

"Fine. I'm leaving."
"Get that (bleepin') cat condo set up!!!"
So cute! You did a great job getting the pictures.
Oh, that's too funny!
Hysterical! Cats are so cute.
Working on my Bluebell project. I think I finally have a winner. Hope to send you a picture soon.
Talk about a fat cat! Great captures. : )
Let us be thankful that Saint Tim should be off on Thursday and maybe have time to set up the condo or there will not be any stink'n Wild Turkey for the guy!
All the furry cats at the Equinox Farm
Ha! You've been told! My Foose cat likes to lie like that.
Great catch.
aren't you glad cats have not figured out how to work a camera .... otherwise kitty would be waiting to catch you when your not looking. Love the pics where the head is rising up, too cute.
Eli's face could be in a Webster dictionary defining "annoyed". His body language tells it all
SO funny. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Cindy Bee
Workin' on his tan lines?
The best cat picture fantastic:-)
Funny! :-D
Now that's just funny!
That is a hilarious photo of the cat!
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