Lila has been Lala for several months now. Not really sure how that happened, but Lala seems to suit her more than Lila. She's Lala. I can't believe how big she is.
Oops - sorry Christine - it's Lah-lah :-)
Oops - sorry Christine - it's Lah-lah :-)
she's not fat she's just fluffy .........
"Lala" sounds like the perfect name for a very laid-back sheep, and she's looked pretty laid back from the git-go!
She's beautiful. I've been following for about a week now, having a lot of fun with your sheep and horses.
She's still that sweet baby to me.
When you sing “Deck the Halls” she’ll think you’re singing about her ;-)
I guess she is not a failure to thrive lamb. Remember when you used to drive and she rested on your lap ? Maybe her middle name should be “Blossom”.
Great, now I can't get the Clapton song out of my head.
Glad you fessed up.
I had a Lala this year (I name alphabetically, makes my life easier during lambing season not having to pick a theme). She was born on my birthday & named after the wife of a friend (after I got permission. DD's rule that I live with - can't name the sheep after living acquaintances without permission. Some people get very upset at the idea, but most are thrilled)
She is such a beautiful girl. She looks so happy.
This just shows what personal attention will do for anyone.
Lila, Lala... she's lovely.
That is some SERIOUS snuzzle-wool! :)
She doesn't look like she has skipped many meals. Lol
Did you use that new wide-angle lens on her portrait? :-)
Doesn't matter, I still have the song in my head!
Oh Sheepmom, that's harsh ;-).
So how much of Lala is fluff... and not fat?!
She's cute as can be!
She's big boned, People. She's just BIG BONED!
Didn't mean to be rude. Maybe I should have said Lala's well upholstered. Built for comfort. An easy keeper ;-)
She's full figured ;-)
I think it's her head that makes her look big... ;-))) !!!
I agree with Kim. I noticed when I was out visiting with #29 that she has a little pea head. Too bad your're not going to breed her-her little lambs would shoot out like rockets! Pea head or not, she is a love.
I read all of your several last posts and had to laugh out loud as the Serta sheep and your horse dressed up and eating treats.
Lala it is then...as only a pet lover knows...the animal picks the name not the human!
She's perfect. Just look at that smile on her face!
My, Lala, how you've grown!
LOL...looks like someone blew her up like a hot air balloon!!! She's cute~
Love it! and Lala! What a great photo!
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