I haven't done any spinning or knitting yet today, but it's only 8:30. I might even at least dust my loom! I did process a tiny amount of wool using a fun electric drum carder I have on loan from a friend. You'll never guess who this is...so I'll tell you.
As I was looking for something else the other day I found this in a tub of odds and ends. It's a couple of ounces of one of Renny's last fleeces. Look! A chicken! (Instant distraction :-)
I took some pictures with my big camera with the plan to do a blog post (see how I'm fitting everything in?) and also made a couple of videos so you can see how the carder works. It hums along with just a hint of sound as the wool brushes through. A little wool processing ASMR.
Time to get spinning :-). Happy New Year!