Saturday, December 14, 2024

Solstice Sheep Of The Day - Pinto

I'd be lying if I said Pinto wasn't one of my favorite sheep.  What a turkey :-).  

Of course Pinto's main claim to fame is his ability to jump in and out of the arena at will.  I'm glad he's the only one who does that, although honestly I am a little surprised that no one else has tried to follow him. It's easy to assume he's just looking for the best grass, and that is for sure the best place to find it, but I think he also just likes to go off by himself sometimes. 

He spent much of the first year of his life alone and while he really loves all his friends here, it's not uncommon to also find him in what I call "his office".  He likes to go sit in the aisleway stall when the Easy Breezy sheep aren't in there.  He sometimes tucks himself in the corner of the outside stall.  And of course there's always the arena.  

Sheep are flock animals and it's unusual to see a sheep choose to go off alone unless they are sick or injured of getting ready to lamb, something like that.  Pinto does it almost every day.  He doesn't seem sad or lonely...maybe just contemplative.

He's definitely a thinker and probably one of the smartest sheep I've known.  He had to be.  The best part of it is he doesn't use his super powers for trouble like some sheep we know.  He's just a good solid citizen.

His new favorite treat is Frosted Mini Wheats, but he likes crackers and cookies as well.



Pinto sounds like quite the character! I love how he enjoys his solo time, showing a little bit of independence. What a unique sheep! You’re invited to read my blog posts whenever you’d like!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh are quite a guy:)

Anchor Cottage said...

Long legged and handsome, the Tom Selleck of sheep!

Shirley said...

He has the look of a solid citizen. I can picture his human persona sitting in a big green easy chair reading a book and smoking a pipe. Interesting that he followed Thelma in your calendar.

Anonymous said...

I think he is just handsome. And cleverly smart

Anonymous said...

Pinto, when I come see you, I’ll bring you a whole box of frosted mini wheats :)


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