Friday, December 13, 2024

Solstice Sheep Of The Day - Thelma

Thelma is easy to spot...because she has a spot.  I prefer the two horned Jacobs, but sometimes at a quick glance they are harder to tell apart without their crazy extra horns.  Thelma is easy because of her special nose spot.

Thelma is not a sheep of great personality like Tabitha, but she's started letting me walk past her in the shed lately, pretty closely, without jumping up.  That's pretty noteworthy for a Jacob ;-).   She's also frequently seen near Pinto, or I should say Pinto is frequently found near her.  

I don't think he's sweet on her.  He's pretty much given up the Romeo life.  I think they are friends.  My Jacobs have always tended to stay together and I think that's partly a breed thing, although the Ts did all come here together, but also sometimes seems like a spotted sheep thing.  Pinto is a spotted sheep...but he only hangs with Thelma, so I think she's his best friend.

The ratio of black to white in her wool makes her blended fleece pretty dark, like a mottled dark gray.  It's a little softer and finer than I prefer spinning, but her roving is a customer favorite.  

Thelma likes cookies, but only if you toss them to her from a good distance away.  Those silly, spooky Jacobs :-).


Michelle said...

I love seeing the Jacobs because they don't get featured much on your blog. Every time you say a fleece is finer than you prefer I have to sit on my hands so I don't wave them over here..

Far Side of Fifty said...

She is pretty...maybe Pinto is her Louise:)

kruzingwithk9s said...

That picture seems like she is saying she is so done with pictures. haha

Shirley said...

Yup looks like she is rolling here eyes... "Are we done yet? Throw me a cookie!"

Anonymous said...

My comments are coming to you as anonymous but it’s me very. Linda from Life on a Colorado Farm


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