If I were to pick a current Jacob to spin, Tessa would always be my first choice. She doesn't have the most "correct" Jacob fleece, but it's the one I like the best and isn't that the beauty of handspinning...you can like whatever you like. What makes her not an ideal representative of the breed standard? Her wool is a bit too long and a little on the coarser side...just the way I like it :-).
Other than her fleece (and maybe her dumpling shape ;-) she's what I like to see in a good Jacob. Two horns, distinct face markings with both eyes covered in black, good balance of black and white in her fleece (they should be about 60% white and 40% black) and lots of black spots on her legs with all four hooves black as well.
Her personality is a little bit more relaxed than the other Ts, but she's still no Cotswold or Border Leicester, and that's okay too. She doesn't panic when I walk through the stall, but she's not going to be wearing any Santa hats any time soon ever.
Like all Jacobs, Tessa has a sweet tooth. And like most Jacobs, you need to toss her some cookies from a distance because she's not going to fight her way through the bullies in the front.
She's very.... round! and quite pretty.
I think she has a beautiful face.
I love those legs:)
Ahhhhhhhhh! My kind of girl!!! We are one in the same
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