As we drew near the end of the Solstice Sheep this week I started counting who was still out. Five to go. Who were they...Liddy, Tavia, Tessa, Burrnie and Murphy. Then I was down to three and I drew Liddy and then there were just two. Ooh, wouldn't it be fun if Murphy was the last one?
I fed Bea and the cats and put the kettle on and finally got up my nerve to pull today's tag...Dang it, Murphy! Wouldn't that have been a great story if the sheep who is best known for being the first out every dang day of the year turned out to be the very last sheep on the Solstice calendar? Oh well, it's still a pretty good story.
I've been sharing everyone's favorite treats and at first glance this picture doesn't appear to be a treat picture, but it is. Besides being the leader of the flock, Murphy's main claim to fame is opening gates. So much so that there were some many times I toyed with sticking him in a big cardboard box with, or sometimes without, air holes and shipping him back to New York.
Murphy's motivation for opening gates is always food related and his main goal in life these days is to move into Easy Breezy (on the other side of this gate). Oh, he doesn't want to move into a retirement home. He just wants to steal their food.
Murphy is obsessed with any treats, but is especially fond of the chopped alfalfa fed to the Easy Breezy sheep.
I LOVE FOOD TOO!!! Mom says I'm a foodie! So Murphy is a food with me!!! Boo Berry
Murphy's law: All gates lead to food!
I have really enjoyed this series of posts, - only one left? Darn! rock...I would escape to the retirement home for their good food too!
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