Thursday, October 27, 2016

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Field?

I'm sure there's a clever and funny answer to this, but I am not good at making up jokes.  Maybe I'll send it to The Chicken Chick for the Ellen deHeneres Yolk of the Day.  I'm a sucker for silly jokes :-).

I love this quick (just before B and L raced up for breakfast) snap of Buddy and the last of The Amazing Jumping Chickens of Harrison County.  I've loved those two Welsomer hens.  We lost one back in the spring and I thought we'd lost this old (at least 10) girl during one of the super hot spells of this past summer, but she's still going strong.  

I looked back through a few pages of The Adventure Chicken label, but can't find the video that I'm sure I posted of them jumping up for cookies.  Does anyone else remember that?  She can still jump, but not as high.  I don't ask her to do it anymore, but sometimes when I'm handing out treats, if I'm not fast enough for her, she'll still pop up and pinch my fingers :-D.

Speaking of looking back through old posts, the winner of the final calendar drawing is Karen B. :-). And speaking of calendars, I will get the official calendar ordering post up the first part of next week after the Hug a Sheep Party this Saturday.

Ready for a couple silly jokes?

Via The Chicken Chick - one of the bright spots on Facebook :-).


sophy0075 said...

Oh, I am so grateful for the link to Ellen DeHenneres. I need at least eight years' worth of jokes. I've escaped to the 16th century in CJSansom's Matthew Shardlake series, but a funny break into the 21st century is good too.

Perhaps your hen crossed the road (well, field, actually) to stay by Buddy's side. Not funny, I know, but sweet.

Terry and Linda said...

I'm thinking she wanted to stay with Buddy...


LannieK said...

She's noticed all the attention your sheep get... So she's thinking:
Why not! I can at least hang out with them. Maybe even get some feathers into a weaving.
Hay, why not! The lady has woven horse tail stuff - horse tail. feathers. sheep fuzz...


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