I think this picture pretty much says it all.

But just in case...
"Hey, what does this sign say?"

"Very. Funny."

"It says No Sheeps Allowed! That means you Graham! You stay away from my food!"

"And Hickory - I'm really watching you now!"
Saint Tim built Hank his very own tree fort. We had tried feeding Hank in a creep feeder, but we had too many creeps ;-). Lila could squeeze her way through some amazingly small doors.
You can't really blame her. It wasn't that she was interested in eating Hank's food. She just remembered when she was a baby, the sound of her food hitting the plastic pan inside, so it must be dinner time...

Hank was a little nervous last night learning how to negotiate his ramp, but Iris did a great job showing him the ropes. Weaslie? Well, Corgis will do anything for food ;-). Lila was only curious because she grew up with Iris and Weaslie as her playmates and was sure anything they were doing was something she'd want to do, too.
"Hey, let me up there too! Remember when we used to do everything together?"
Iris not only remembers, but is probably scarred for life. Those good Border Collies :-).

Now you have to keep in mind that Graham supervised the entire construction project. Start to finish. And while he doesn't technically have access to the tool shed, if ever given the opportunity to grab a chain saw or hammer, we are pretty sure he'll remember exactly how to disassemble the fort.
In the meantime, it remains to be seen if he can learn to negotiate the ramp. I've played the Shaun the Sheep games enough to know that anything's possible and this is Graham Lamb we're talking about...
Let's vote on it! (Poll on the right)
I bet it doesn't take him long to figure out how to get to that food.
My money is on Graham - probably before the week is over!
Very funny and cute!
I have seen Graham jump to get cookies. I give him two day. The sheep will be building a pyramid. You know they can read and have been studying the blog. The Find Five picture now makes sense to them.
Uh oh, I didn't think about that!
They'll be dancing on it in a day. Mine would anyway.
Thank you Saint Tim. Clever.
Hank is a good sign painter there lol, even has his autograph.... too cute
Very clever food fort, but I'm betting on Graham too.
That Andy here. I will be a rebel and say "never". Why you ask???? St Tim was sooooo smart and placed the ramp close to the fence and if Graham lamb tries to get up the ramp his girth (wide butt) will force him off the ramp. :-)
I agree with RC. Graham can figure out the Take Five, but he won’t pay any attention to that sign, it’s not written in Leicester-ish.
All I can say is that it's a good thing that you put that sign on the 'fort' or the sheep would be ALL OVER IT!
Damn ~ I wish I had a man to build me stuff!
Oh I love Graham, he's an opportunist I can tell:)
I predict some sort of wire fencing being installed on the long and back sides of the platform, with only the ramp end open. In essence, your dogs will be forced to eat in a cage. :-)
Whatever it takes. Look at it as managing Grahams dietary wellbeing. Maybe I should install a wire fence around my fridge...
Great idea! Although goats would just up there. Hmmmm. Back to the drawing board.
I'm with Sheepmom; ramp placement is crucial!
I'll be Baaaaaaaaack, he will be playing billy goat within the week, either he or someone else will figure it out, you got some smart, sheep..:-))
Heeehehehhe! This was great. This Ozark Farm Chick hopped over from the Far Side's blog just to see what a Crazy Sheep Lady was like!
I had fun pokin' 'round in here. Don't worry...I put everything back just the was it was. I'm twisted like that.
From the wind torn hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a blessed and beautiful day!!! :o)
I give him ONE day....after all he has watched everything...climbing the ramp will be a lark!
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