Also known as trying to make the best out of being crabby about just getting heavy frost and no snow this winter.

The view from the back porch this morning. The sunlight hitting the frost gave everything an almost monotone, white look. Somehow I missed that with this pink shot. Use manual settings so you get what you want. How many times do I have to tell me? Sigh.

Everything was pretty (is monotone the right word?) except the sun hitting Handy's back. I moved off the porch to get a different sun angle, played around with how I wanted to frame him, the trees in the background, the curvy fence, the curvy shadow, the curvy driveway.

Which do you like best and why?

The view from the back porch this morning. The sunlight hitting the frost gave everything an almost monotone, white look. Somehow I missed that with this pink shot. Use manual settings so you get what you want. How many times do I have to tell me? Sigh.

Everything was pretty (is monotone the right word?) except the sun hitting Handy's back. I moved off the porch to get a different sun angle, played around with how I wanted to frame him, the trees in the background, the curvy fence, the curvy shadow, the curvy driveway.

Which do you like best and why?
I like the bottom one best. With more sky at the top of the photo it makes the horse's color stand out better. In the upper pic the trees are busy and kind of fight with the lines of the fence for your attention. That Andy says "tell me why is she trying to make a horse's butt look good."
That last photo is exceptional. Great curvy shadow.
Beautiful shots, love the lines in the last one!
Ditto for liking the last photo best. The 4 wavy lines better closely align with the fence rails. And the horse is more in scale with the composition of the picture. Great effort!
The one with the road. There's something about a dirt road going past the horse and pasture fence. You said you like pictures to tell a story. That one tells more of a story.
I like the leading lines in the third shot the best. The fence, the shadows and the road.
I like the middle shot the best. Great composition and it sure draws your eye.
I like the middle one too..the one with the drive seems too busy to eye flits all over:)
Ok ... I dare to be different .. I like the first photo .... it makes me think of a new day, new beginnings
What's with the clouds?
But I also like the shadows in the last picture and the road, but like the first one best.
I like the first one too. It feels more like a frosty morning. I'll ask too, What IS up with the clouds?
I like the first one - you can see all the paddocks, and several horses. In the others, it looks like Handy is by himself.
I like the first one!!
I like the middle one best. I think the light and composition are better, and it isn't as busy as the other two.
I love the clouds in the first photo. I think allover though, the last picture is my favorite. The middle picture is lovely as it frames the interior portion of the picture well, but with more of the background in the third shot the really interesting perspective of the fence stands out more.
These are great observations! It's interesting looking at the three pictures now from what I thought about them yesterday. Totally hadn't noticed the clouds in the first shot - just pixelation from trying to keep the image size small. Absolutely right on the story aspect - and hadn't thought about that either. And yes, now that I look again, there is definitely a "busy" issue. All good observations and learning! Thanks!!!
That frosty grass makes me want to come in and have eggs and sausage.........
I guess it would all depend on what you're going for. If the horse is your point of interest....then definitely the middle the wavy lines enhance the horse much like a touch of blush on a model's face. In the last photo, the wavy shadows take away from the horse, making the focal point the shadows and how they play with the curve of the road. Both great photos but with different points of interest. Am I making sense? I am certainly no expert. LOL
Looks like serenity to me.
Cindy Bee
Worth looking and I wonder at these shots of yours. Very pleasing : )
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