Well, of course it is!

Much to Iris and Weaslie's dismay.

Resting up after the festival.
We had a good weekend. The weather was hot and we had a couple storm problems, but knowing the weather that weekend in Kentucky, we might all be wearing parkas next year and wishing for 83 and humid. Well, not me of course! ;-)
A huge thank you to Alice and Cathy for basically running my entire booth for me. I got to visit with only a tiny handful of people over the whole weekend and that was a real bummer. I will definitely be making some time management changes for next year. I can't do everything - repeat to self...over and over.
Thanks to Auntie Reg, Lila had an enjoyable, stress-free weekend. And as the weekend went on and Lila became more confident/pretty sure the festival was all for her, everyone got a chance to do a little Lila sitting. It apparently doesn't take a village, but an entire livestock pavilion...

Back home with her dollies. Lila does not have much interest in the real sheep in the barn, but she does love her stuffed sheep. Much to their dismay as well I'd have to guess. I wouldn't be surprised if these two sheep and the dogs don't have a big party when Lila moves out to the barn.

Somehow I again managed to take no pictures of my booth this year. I'm glad Jim (we'll have to hire you to be our official festival photographer!) took this one. Don't the two little girls look like they could be sisters with that red hair and red spots!
All Lila, all the time.
Well, of course it is ;-).
For more festival pictures, stories and comments, check out the Festival Facebook Page.

Much to Iris and Weaslie's dismay.

Resting up after the festival.
We had a good weekend. The weather was hot and we had a couple storm problems, but knowing the weather that weekend in Kentucky, we might all be wearing parkas next year and wishing for 83 and humid. Well, not me of course! ;-)
A huge thank you to Alice and Cathy for basically running my entire booth for me. I got to visit with only a tiny handful of people over the whole weekend and that was a real bummer. I will definitely be making some time management changes for next year. I can't do everything - repeat to self...over and over.
Thanks to Auntie Reg, Lila had an enjoyable, stress-free weekend. And as the weekend went on and Lila became more confident/pretty sure the festival was all for her, everyone got a chance to do a little Lila sitting. It apparently doesn't take a village, but an entire livestock pavilion...

Back home with her dollies. Lila does not have much interest in the real sheep in the barn, but she does love her stuffed sheep. Much to their dismay as well I'd have to guess. I wouldn't be surprised if these two sheep and the dogs don't have a big party when Lila moves out to the barn.

Somehow I again managed to take no pictures of my booth this year. I'm glad Jim (we'll have to hire you to be our official festival photographer!) took this one. Don't the two little girls look like they could be sisters with that red hair and red spots!
All Lila, all the time.
Well, of course it is ;-).
For more festival pictures, stories and comments, check out the Festival Facebook Page.
Little LIla is really getting to be a lap-full now!
I love your stories.
She looks so relaxed around all that hubbub! Life in the barn is going to be a shock after having a nice fleecy bed and her own dollies.
I love your animal stories!
Well done!
I'm so bumbed that I missed it. I could sooooooo get into all of that. lol
All Lila. It's been a long time coming!
So precious with her dollies. Glad you had a nice time at the festival, but take it easier next year!
Lila is the most delightful lamb. She is great with visitors! I wonder if those dollies will have to go out to the barn with her, or with a house rennovation give her her own room and she wont have to share her toys.
Thanks to the stores in Cincinnati, and the Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati for putting up posters. We had beautiful roving for all of our spinning friends.
Gasp! Did you actually type the words "WHEN LILA MOVES OUT TO THE BARN"!!! You actually said the words out loud?!! She's likely to have nightmares for weeks!
Oh My your Lila is a doll..I have not been by for a little while..she is quite the lamb..I am very impressed..and love her stories:)
Do ya think Lila enjoys all the attention? ..;-))
Sorry, Renny, it appears that your fifteen minutes of fame are up. You have been replaced by a little redhead who still fits in the kitchen. Maybe you should ask your mom if YOU can come in the kitchen for a photo op.
Ok so I'm wondering...can they be taught to go to the bathroom outside. Like...does she bleat...like a dog barks...when they want to go outside and potty.
Cindy Bee
How is Lila ever going to adapt to exile in the barn?? Instead of a doggie door, you'll have to install a sheepie door so she can come in to visit.
OH MY....soon Punkin's Patch will be called Lila's Lair!!
Glad you had a good festival..and off to check the photo link!
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