Probably in more ways than one ;-).
I've had almost as much fun thinking about what I wanted to spin for the Tour as I'm going to have actually spinning it. Without further delay...

For Team Jacob Junkies...wait for it...some Jacob! Actually not one of mine, but for a good friend who's not a spinner or a knitter, but who would appreciate having something made from one of her sheep. This is Emerin (spelling may be incorrect) who is actually Elizabeth's granddaughter. I'm spinning 4 oz of white (down below) and 2 oz of this pretty gray.

For Team My Favorite Sheep I am spinning some of Grandma, one of another friend's favorite old sheep. Grandma was a Karakul. I'm envisioning a woven piece incorporating some of her unspun locks.

For Team Hopelessly Over Committed...B. Willard's really pretty super dark gray. My goal is 10 oz, but I'd be thrilled to finish the entire fleece. It could an alternative universe maybe :-/.

For Team Ky Sheep and Fiber Festival - a challenge to learn something new. Michelle spins such pretty yarn with her Turkish spindles. I can't even figure out how to operate the silly thing. I've got 2 oz of Miss Ewenice (the Team Captain) set aside for that.

For the challenge day, I've decided to join Team Russian Underpants (antique wheels) and spin on my Great Wheel. That's 1 oz of Hampton (same flock as Emerin) in the fuzzy front. It's short, soft and hopefully conducive to a beginner spinning long draw. Emerin's almost white is the larger ball behind.

Here's the whole "team" assembled in their wool uniforms. That's Bluebell in the middle, checking in for Team Footloose (the Hansen miniSpinner group).
This is my fourth Tour de Fleece. The first Tour was spinning for the Trinity Vest. Done.

The second Tour was spinning Punkin's yarn for a woven throw. Finally threaded on the loom and soon to be finished. Right?

And last year's Tour, Jester, a Fair Isle sweater. The white is all knitted. Need more brain power to move onto the patterning. It. will. be. finished. this. year.
It's not too late to join in. The Tour de Fleece is open to everyone, all experience levels, anywhere in the world. It's a great motivator and super fun to boot. Here's a link to the main group and a link to Team My Favorite Sheep.
Come on.
You know you want to ;-).
I've had almost as much fun thinking about what I wanted to spin for the Tour as I'm going to have actually spinning it. Without further delay...

For Team Jacob Junkies...wait for it...some Jacob! Actually not one of mine, but for a good friend who's not a spinner or a knitter, but who would appreciate having something made from one of her sheep. This is Emerin (spelling may be incorrect) who is actually Elizabeth's granddaughter. I'm spinning 4 oz of white (down below) and 2 oz of this pretty gray.

For Team My Favorite Sheep I am spinning some of Grandma, one of another friend's favorite old sheep. Grandma was a Karakul. I'm envisioning a woven piece incorporating some of her unspun locks.

For Team Hopelessly Over Committed...B. Willard's really pretty super dark gray. My goal is 10 oz, but I'd be thrilled to finish the entire fleece. It could an alternative universe maybe :-/.

For Team Ky Sheep and Fiber Festival - a challenge to learn something new. Michelle spins such pretty yarn with her Turkish spindles. I can't even figure out how to operate the silly thing. I've got 2 oz of Miss Ewenice (the Team Captain) set aside for that.

For the challenge day, I've decided to join Team Russian Underpants (antique wheels) and spin on my Great Wheel. That's 1 oz of Hampton (same flock as Emerin) in the fuzzy front. It's short, soft and hopefully conducive to a beginner spinning long draw. Emerin's almost white is the larger ball behind.

Here's the whole "team" assembled in their wool uniforms. That's Bluebell in the middle, checking in for Team Footloose (the Hansen miniSpinner group).
This is my fourth Tour de Fleece. The first Tour was spinning for the Trinity Vest. Done.

The second Tour was spinning Punkin's yarn for a woven throw. Finally threaded on the loom and soon to be finished. Right?

And last year's Tour, Jester, a Fair Isle sweater. The white is all knitted. Need more brain power to move onto the patterning. It. will. be. finished. this. year.
It's not too late to join in. The Tour de Fleece is open to everyone, all experience levels, anywhere in the world. It's a great motivator and super fun to boot. Here's a link to the main group and a link to Team My Favorite Sheep.
Come on.
You know you want to ;-).
Awww - Grandma`s wool! :) It still looks like Karakul wool (not as pretty as everyone elses!)
So many wonderful projects; boy, are you ambitious! LOVE the grain on that Turkish; it DOES look like a Jenkins. Have you seen Wanda Jenkins' videos? She does a good job of showing how to create your own leader, how to wind on, and I think there's one on just the spinning. Go to their website ( the addies to all her videos are below the last photo. You can do it!
What a surprising assortment of fleece you have to spin! This will be a TDF unlike the past where the fleece came from members of your sheep family.
You sure do keep it thoughtful, interesting and challenging. I think your goals are varied and modest. Enjoy the ride!
My mother would have loved the Tour de Fleece. Your pictures bring great memories. Once she spun, dyed and wove fabric that she had made into a blazer for my dad. (She could have sewn it, but with all of the fussy stuff involved in a blazer, felt a tailor would be better suited to handle it.) My dad still has the blazer ... which was crafted 40 years ago!!
So many great little time. Good luck!
My goal is to think about spinning every day of the Tour...
You go get 'em Girl!
You got the spelling for Emerin correctly! She is named for a cousin of mine that I loved. And I love this Emerin too. Spin away Sara, and have lots and lots of fun!
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