Sunday, April 30, 2023
About The Bees
Monday, April 24, 2023
My Favorite Sheep...Of The Week
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...
What. An. Insane. Week. So much so that as I was sitting here trying to remember what all happened this week and finally had to go back and check my own IG feed I realized there wasn't even much on there either besides the Great Bee Move.
That in itself is probably worth at least two blog posts, but before I do that I'm going to revisit Burrnie's Sheep of the Week post to answer a great question.
You say that his wool is creamy white but his hair is yellow. What is the difference between wool and hair?
There are actually some breeds of sheep that only have hair. They are commonly known as...wait for it..."hair sheep". Some examples would be Barbados Black Belly, Katahdin, St. Croix and Dorper. All sheep have at least some hair though.
Here is a closer picture of Burrnie's face. All around his face (eyes, nose, mouth) is hair and it feels much like a short haired dog's coat. Where things get fuzzy on his cheeks and forehead is the start of his wool and his wool covers all of the rest of his body except his legs, which turn back into hair.
The hair on Burrnie's face and legs is the same yellow color. While his wool looks nearly the same color here, it's actually a creamy white...when it's clean. You can see that in the hat I made as a thank you gift from him to Robin.
Burrnie's wool is very soft and, as we talk about in regards to wool quality, very crimpy. What that means is if you run your hand over it, it feels "fuzzy", not smooth like hair. If you look at it under a microscope however, each fiber that looks fairly straight and just fuzzy is actually zig zaggy (special pro term ;-).
A fine wool sheep (like a Merino) can have up to 100 zig zags per inch. A coarse wool sheep (like a Cotswold) might only have five per inch and their zig zags are more like loopy curls. I've never counted Burrnie's zig zags or crimps per inch, but I'd guess it's...well, I should just go pull a lock out of his bag and do the math.
Here's a fun way to think about the difference between hair and wool. You would stroke Burrnie's smooth face, but you would bury your hand into Burrnie's soft, fuzzy wool...when it grew back out ;-).
Keep the comments and questions coming!
Monday, April 17, 2023
My Favorite Sheep...Of The Week
There are a ton of good Burrnie stories if you scroll back through the blog. I'd forgotten about his first cookie party and putting him out with some of the boys and Daniel causing so much trouble. Or that he and Maisie used to be good friends. There are a couple of references to that. Maybe one of the best stories was Bill shearing him blindfolded. Burrnie's always been a good sport.
Burrnie has a fairly short fleece, but it's on the finer side so a bit softer than the longwools. I spun and knit a hat for Robin from what I could salvage from his first shear and I've used it for felting several times. Burrnie's main job here is just being a happy sheep :-).
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Spring Shine
Everything budded out early this year and right as the redbuds were getting ready to open...we got a hard freeze. The redbud show is a highlight of spring and I was sick about probably missing it this year. Not to worry. The trees were smarter than me and had saved up buds to replace the damaged ones.
The bees have been enjoying them as well. Bees of all shapes and sizes. It seems like they all take turns finding their own "peak" time throughout the day.
Here are two favorite pictures from the last couple of days.
And they are new puzzles :-).
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
My Favorite Sheep...Of The Week

Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Monday, April 3, 2023
My Favorite Sheep...Of The Week
Here are the oldest pictures I have of Krista. Those lambs were by one of the Nistock rams and they were super cute babies. I've often wished Maggie and Christopher had come from one of the wool rams, but then Maggie might not have become who she is and I'd not trade her for anything. Christopher is a good sheep, too, but I'm not sure he's destined to become a Super Hero like his sister ;-).
Remember you can always look back and find more pictures and stories from any of the sheep or other family by following their label on the right hand side of the blog. You may have to scroll down a bit to find the labels list.
Okay, who's next?