Hank works hard all night. Not that he doesn't work during the day, but his "busy" schedule is dusk til dawn. He naps off and on for most of the day, especially when it's hot like this, but he also takes one last hard nap in the late afternoon before clocking in and then again in the morning after everything's settled down.

That's Renny's broad as a barn backside by the way. Her face, tail and around her legs stayed dark brown, but the rest of her is medium gray bleached out to tan. What sort of Shetland color pattern might match that?

Hank's looking over at his buddy Marcel.

He loves Marcel. We all do. Just a nice, nice sheep. He never causes any trouble so sometimes he just flies along under the radar. What makes him sad. Seriously. So then he'll walk over to me, look up and say, "Would you please give me a hug?" which of course I do and some kisses too and that's all he wants and he walks off happy. Seriously.
Some sheep like hugs (Ewen is a big hugger) and some don't. I catch Willard on a regular basis and force a hug and kiss on him and then he says "Blech!" and staggers off ;-). Buddy likes to be scratched, as does Henri and Annabelly. Petunia likes her face scritched, as does Blossom. Graham doesn't care
what you do to him just so long as you are doing something. Go ahead and paddle him. If you don't know what he's done, he does! Just kidding...sort of ;-).

I always think it's funny to watch what the sheep are doing in the background. Do you see goofy Graham peaking over the back?

And the crowd disperses. Except Renny, who's noticed that the gate to the hay stall isn't latched. Hank's watching her...but decides to "let it slide". I did too. Between the two of us, he's the better employee for sure.
Still hot, but we've gotten a couple rains in the last two days. Maybe a drought breaker? I feel a bit more rejuvenated regardless. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the barn renovation. The
My Favorite Sheep Tour de Fleece team is kicking it. Blossom's getting bigger every day...but she's still a sweet lil lambie who likes to take naps on her cot :-).