What a nice rosy sunrise over our tiny little paddocks out back. Tiny little paddocks?!? What?!? Those are long, narrow 2 1/2 acre paddocks and the back paddock is at least five acres - while not big by Texas standards, definitely not as small as they look here. Those cows next door are a good way off!
This has happened before.

Buddy, Boudreaux and Ewen McTeagle
Miss Ewenice was watching her boys play from the driving arena - almost regulation size, meaning it's not small - and there is a small barn lot in between the arena and the barn. Not all jammed together like it appears.
So, I need a little photography help here. I'm guessing I should be using a different setting, lens, something... but being a hack photographer, I'm not sure. I'm using a Nikon D40x and had the 200mm lens on (maybe the problem?).
Any thoughts?
You sheep are just darling! And to get that one jumping in the air is just perfect!
I love the sun coming up over your barn.
My ram lamb had the jumps two days ago also. I don't feel like that about the snow.
Neat photos! With a telephoto lens, you get things appearing to be squished together - 50-60mm lens would unsquish things, but then you've got to get closer.
Heh, I love the *BOING* photo! As soon as I saw the sheep in the air, I just kept thinking, *boing, boing, boing*...Jumping sheep make me giggle :o)
it's the telephoto lens. smaller lens needed and use the 'scenery' icon if you have one so everything stays in focus all the way back. You'll have to move much closer for the sheep to be large, and your lens may not focus that close as well as the sheep will be distracted...
however, you are the only one that notices that things look 'jammed' together. everyone else just notices how funny the sheep are! :-)
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