Wednesday, August 2, 2023


July was hot and humid, but we got plenty (and then some) of rain so the grass grew and nothing turned soul crushingly brown and crispy.  I already know it's going to be hot.  I can live with the extra humidity if it's from rain.  I'd prefer it didn't flood the barn, but we can deal with that. 

The B Garden has been a real treat this summer.  We've had several monarch appearances already (usually not until August) and have seen several caterpillars!  I'm not sure if this is just going to be a good monarch year all over (finger and toes crossed) or if we've just added enough habitat that our farm has made their map.

Our year supply of hay and straw is in the barn.  The Tour de Fleece was fun and productive.  I pulled the big girl camera out and enjoyed taking some nice pictures.  Archie only nearly fell off a couple of things this month, Possum has fully embraced the air conditioner life, and Bea has learned what a "pup cup" from Dairy Queen is.   

Onward into August!


Michelle said...

I could live with heat and humidity, too, in exchange for enough rain to keep our pastures green through the summer (not !likely, as they are mostly cool-season grasses)! As for everything else, it sounds like there are been LOTS of positives. It's about time you had a good month!

Cheryl West said...

Totally wonderful July photos! I s the B garden the best ever? There looks to be an abundance of food flowers.

And who is the sweet little black and white kitty? Along for a ride?

Thank you for sharing more lovely farm photos.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Last year or the year before...there was more diversity in the B Garden, but this year has been fun in the amount of blooms and bees and butterflies and even birds visiting it :-).

The black and white kitty is Freeda, our neighbor's cat. She has to check out any vehicle that comes into her driveway and the cart was no exception :-).

Anchor Cottage said...

Sounds like a busy July!!

Terry and Linda said...

July was horrid here---over the top hot, hoT, HOT!!!

Shirley said...

Sounds like July was a gooder!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I saw the video on Facebook! You had a busy month, glad your hay is in:)


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