Friday, August 31, 2018

The August Snow Report

There have been no fogs for quite a few days.  I believe that's because it's been so stupid hot and humid during the day and not cooling off much at night, but I'm no Farmer's Almanac meteorologist.  I woke up this morning, almost dreading yet another day of summer, but also wondering if there would be any fog on this last day of August. 

I don't really know why I even thought about it.  It hadn't even crossed my mind any of the last several days.  I don't really keep track of the date, so being the last day of August wasn't really even on my radar.  Maybe my subconscious knew or my guardian angel...  

It was a beautiful, cool, foggy morning and I felt almost normal...ish.

I believe I've counted twelve foggy mornings in August this year.  Posting a photo every morning helped keep track of them.  Hopefully I can continue to do the same this winter so we can see how accurate this snow prediction is.


Debbie said...

Your fog video is wonderful!

Sheep in the field and hummer at the feeder, it doesn't get much better.

Have a great weekend!

Grey Horse Matters said...

You have a gorgeous place. Love the video. So peaceful.

Unknown said...

I'm a little concerned up her in SE MN - I can count on one hand the mornings that were not foggy this month. Have a great day Sara -

sophy0075 said...

We’ve had foggy mornings in Savannah this August. The palm and citrus trees are not happy.

Marsha said...

That was so beautiful it made me cry. Thank you for sharing that beauty with us.

Linda said...

It's beautiful! We so rarely get fog, and if we do it is in winter.

Glenda said...

I envy you more and more with each posting. However, I'm far too lazy to handle all you do so I'll just live vicariously through your blog. Thanks for sharing.

Marilyn F. said...

What a wonderfully beautiful photo of a good morning from nature! Thanks for sharing.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It will be interesting to see if Fog = snow:)

Dreaming said...

I remember those foggy summer mornings in New York when I was growing up. Now I am in San Francisco, and I practically have fog every day! It is rather enchanting to climb the hill and have the wind swirl the fog around us.

Shirley said...

It will be interesting to keep track of your snow days!


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