I've had a recent brush with fame! Two of my photographs were used in a catalog produced by Saint Tim's brother and sister-in-law, Peter Dunham and Linnea Gits. Peter and Linnea are the Chicago based designers behind Uusi (pronounced oo-see) and we frequently get "mom calls" that something of theirs is being featured on the Today Show... Very exciting!

One of their latest projects is a set of beautiful wooden animals in a collection called Moderne Farm. Moderne Farm? Featured in The New York Times. Two of my pictures? In their catalog. I think that's kinda cool. I think the animals are very cool.

They are simple, yet elegant wooden cut outs.

With a handy assembly guide included.
"That's how sheep are made?"

Along with the requisite sheep, there is a Hank dog watching over everyone.

Or is that Iris chasing the horses?

Gato was super curious, but wouldn't come in. I think because of the cat. How a horse gets named Gato and is afraid of cats...we are afraid to even ask. Betsy? Do you know anything about that?

"Why no. I'm just sitting here minding my own business."

"Please pick me up and give me some kitty food."

Now here's something we don't have on our farm. And besides laughing at 300 baby piglets running up and down a big hill at a friend's farm a couple years ago, I really have never even given much thought to pigs. They are pretty cute though and I've heard they make great pets...

And they have such funny little tails :-).

Sadly there are no cows behind us anymore :-/. I miss seeing them back there and I'll miss the babies in the spring. I know Stella misses them too. I wish I'd been able to take a picture of this bull with some real cows in the background. He looks a little lonely.

Until you put him back with his farm friends family.

Linnea and her cat are blog readers. She calls it "Patchin'" and I love getting her Monday Morning Patchin' pictures. Gunky is a big Comby fan. Betsy? Apparently not so much. I think it must be a calico thing.
Linnea and Gunky sent us this Moderne Farm first edition box set to be given to a lucky blog reader who loves to "Patch" as well, so I reluctantly disassembled everyone and put them back in their nifty box...with the sheep on top ;-).
To Enter:
Leave a comment telling us who your favorite Equinox Farm character is. If you haven't left a comment before and need some directions, drop me an email at thecrazysheeplady AT gmail DOT com.
On Monday Morning, Linnea and Gunky will use Random Number Generator to pick a winner.

One of their latest projects is a set of beautiful wooden animals in a collection called Moderne Farm. Moderne Farm? Featured in The New York Times. Two of my pictures? In their catalog. I think that's kinda cool. I think the animals are very cool.

They are simple, yet elegant wooden cut outs.

With a handy assembly guide included.
"That's how sheep are made?"

Along with the requisite sheep, there is a Hank dog watching over everyone.

Or is that Iris chasing the horses?

Gato was super curious, but wouldn't come in. I think because of the cat. How a horse gets named Gato and is afraid of cats...we are afraid to even ask. Betsy? Do you know anything about that?

"Why no. I'm just sitting here minding my own business."

"Please pick me up and give me some kitty food."

Now here's something we don't have on our farm. And besides laughing at 300 baby piglets running up and down a big hill at a friend's farm a couple years ago, I really have never even given much thought to pigs. They are pretty cute though and I've heard they make great pets...

And they have such funny little tails :-).

Sadly there are no cows behind us anymore :-/. I miss seeing them back there and I'll miss the babies in the spring. I know Stella misses them too. I wish I'd been able to take a picture of this bull with some real cows in the background. He looks a little lonely.

Until you put him back with his farm friends family.

Linnea and her cat are blog readers. She calls it "Patchin'" and I love getting her Monday Morning Patchin' pictures. Gunky is a big Comby fan. Betsy? Apparently not so much. I think it must be a calico thing.
Linnea and Gunky sent us this Moderne Farm first edition box set to be given to a lucky blog reader who loves to "Patch" as well, so I reluctantly disassembled everyone and put them back in their nifty box...with the sheep on top ;-).
To Enter:
Leave a comment telling us who your favorite Equinox Farm character is. If you haven't left a comment before and need some directions, drop me an email at thecrazysheeplady AT gmail DOT com.
On Monday Morning, Linnea and Gunky will use Random Number Generator to pick a winner.
My favorite -- Renny --
Jean - MN
These are marvelous. My favorite friend is Keebler.
JennW in PA
Iris of course!
Oh my. It's sooo hard to pick. I must go with Woolliam, no, Renny, no, Petunia......ok,ok. It's Buddy.
I was drooling over those neat wooden animals and got quite the surprise when I got to the end and saw that THEY are the prize! COOL! And my favorite character? Handy, of course. :-)
Well, of course it is the sheep. But which one? I love that cutie Keebler but I have an extra soft spot for Miss Ewenice and Renny.
I have to say I love them all. But if I have to have a favorite, it would be Miss Ewenice. (Cause I'm guessing you aren't including St. Tim)!
Lila let me hold her once and so she has a special place close to my heart.
But, I’ve been brushing Joshua’s fleece for ever so long and now am on to Casper Belly, and I just put Ewen on the fireplace mantel next to Boudreaux and Petunia.....my “best” is what ever my eyes and hands and heart are into at the moment.
Why the original "Punkin" is the favorite!
OOOOah, Lila, aweet Lila ... she gets my vote !!!!!
Thank You for such a Wonderful give away !!!!! :0)
Iris, definitely.
Wow, the wooden animals are beautiful! What talented relatives you have.
I'm sitting here looking at a brand new baby grandaughter and of course that makes me think of all the sweet lamb babies that Miss Ewenice has watched over. How could I vote for anyone else? Miss Ewenice gets my vote.
Renny...hands down.
I love all the animals on your farm but I have to say that the one creature that gives me a laugh every time is Betsy.
She knows what she wants and where she wants to be. She is a cat with a purpose.
I think that cats who are from shelters have become more independent and take on life... as a challenge.
The post about her out there in the field with the sheep was really wonderful. She was so annoyed by their lack of attention.... that they would treat her like that.That's so CAT.
She reminds me of my cat Annibel. They are where they need to be.
They are farm cats. They like being with their people and life is good.
The wooden animal set is beautiful. Sure you want to give it away?
I would have to say that Miss Eunice is my favorite. She is warm and regal at the same time - like a cross between Ma Kettle and Queen Victoria. And she looks after the youngsters and guides them gently into the flock. She's the bee's knees.
I can't say any one is my fave, the whole gang is great but for history sake I'd pick Keebs, he got me hooked on your site and I've been a fan ever since..:-))
Lila, always Lila is my favorite but love, love them all.
Because he is sooo friendly now, Eli. He let me hold him like a baby so now he's my favorite. Beautiful pictorial. I LOVE THE FARM !!!!! OMG it's been over a week since we've seen you guys! LOL
I have to pick one? Can the herd be my favorite? I guess if it has to be just one I pick Lila, b/c she's the only one I've "known" from her first moment at the farm. So we kind of have history. The cutouts are so neat! And congrats on having your pictures published! very cool!
Ok, obviously you will have to take us out of the drawing, but Guunky & I just wanted to express our appreciation for Comby & Hank :)
Hank, of course.
I would have to vote for the adventure chickens. They don't usually get as much attention as the rest of the crew. Don't tell Keebler that he did not get my vote. RC
Oh my, those are just wonderful. (Your pictures are lovely too, as usual!)
How to pick a favorite fuzzy? So difficult.. but Graham sure is handsome!
How cool is this!!
I have to say that my favorite is Gato, I mean the cat! I think our cat CC could use another ally in the effort to teach our Scottie puppy that cats are not toys...
They are so wonderful ~ Betsy would be my favorite!
Definitely Renny
Keebler is my favorite! I love, love, love this set of wooden farm animals. But it is missing the CHICKEN!!!
It's Lila for me! She's a doll.
I'm not sure I can pick just one, as I've loved learning about the entire herd. Maybe Lila or Renny?
Jennie in MN
Beautiful Animals! This will probably be as close as I get to having a farm in my life. I love horses, so Gato. but they are so adorable. I love how the simplicity of the figures has caught the essence of each animal.
Woolliam for me. His was the first wool I ever carded- it remains a memorable event!
I vote for Hank as favorite character. They are all dear, but Hank is the Protector and that's special. The Peaceable Kingdom is safe because he's there.
I know I'm too late for the drawing but, Hubby would kill me if I didn't say Weasley was my favorite. lol
Nice color choice on the blog. It is really easy on my eyes and I have bad eyes too so that’s a really big compliment lol
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