...if I had time to put up a blog this morning that it would have to be titled Day Late... I took some (I hope) really pretty sunset pictures yesterday, but ended up too tired to download and post them last night. It felt sort of, well, day late-ish to post them this morning. I found a surprise in my inbox though - an email from Fleury Sheep and Wool. They are bustin' it trying to get our yarn ready for the Kentucky Wool Festival.
maintain get sucked into. However, a friend was over one day and wanted to show me something on her Facebook page and because of that, Facebook still recognizes my computer and I can sneak in and see stuff. I was very excited to see these pictures.

White in the pin drafter

Getting spun into singles

Outside the skein winder
While I was snooping around (okay, I'll admit it was sort of fun ;-) the Fleury's page, I saw a link to a funny story on NPR. I'llsteal share that too.
You can see some pics of Belly's here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.I stole these photos off their Facebook page. First, I should probably confess that I don't have a Facebook account. I've tried it out a couple times, didn't love it and figured I had way more to do than I have time for already and don't need one. more. thing. tophp?id=257489347565&pid= There's a photo album called Punkin.5101298#!/pages/Fleury-Sheep- and-Wool/257489347565
We are very close to finished!

White in the pin drafter

Getting spun into singles

Outside the skein winder
While I was snooping around (okay, I'll admit it was sort of fun ;-) the Fleury's page, I saw a link to a funny story on NPR. I'll
Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep.
You've surely heard certain people described as letting themselves be herded around like sheep. Now the sheep have struck back. They defied the stereotype at the Great Montana Sheep Drive. Hundreds were supposed to go down Main Street in the town of Reed Point. Possibly confused by rain, the sheep refused to be driven. They wandered around, got lost behind a saloon and finally left town, serving as an inspiration for us all.
I'm not sure what made me smile more - the delight in seeing yarn from the Belly's (remember the momma and baby sleeping together the other day? The white is mostly the baby's - Caspar Belly) or the thought of a bunch of sheep sneaking off behind a saloon.
Where oh where is the Far Side when we need him???
By the way, according to their Facebook page (guess I'm going to have to give it another try), it looks like the Fleury's are going to be at SAFF this year. I am totally going to run down there (it's a great festival, so no real rubber arm twisting involved) and meet them. They have been wonderful to work with and the yarn looks great. I can't wait to see it and Saint Tim's probably hoping it doesn't get hidden under a table where no one else can see it... ;-)
Beyond excited!
Where oh where is the Far Side when we need him???
By the way, according to their Facebook page (guess I'm going to have to give it another try), it looks like the Fleury's are going to be at SAFF this year. I am totally going to run down there (it's a great festival, so no real rubber arm twisting involved) and meet them. They have been wonderful to work with and the yarn looks great. I can't wait to see it and Saint Tim's probably hoping it doesn't get hidden under a table where no one else can see it... ;-)
Beyond excited!
Sara...thanks for continuing my education in the sheep world. Yes! You do seem excited. I'm lukewarm on Facebook. A lot of the stuff put on there is so mundane. "I'm gong to the store." Who cares. The part that is good, is the photographs and connections...along with people who have something real to say. I don't write very often but it does hang out on my desktop.
It is getting pretty cool up here. Yesterday it rained and we had our first fire in the kitchen.
Sara, if you don't use Facebook, who maintains the KSFF page? Do you like this processor as well/better than Ohio Valley? I am considering getting one or more fleeces processed into roving. It's just getting too hard and time consuming to do it from scratch.
Lori, was the fire intentional, or an accident?
What an amazing process all that wool goes through. Thanks for sharing.
Loved the link. I used to mutter quite a bit about us being "a nation of sheep", but now that I've gotten to know so many sheep I don't do that anymore. It's an insult to the sheep.
Wasn't it Casper belly I helped you give the medicine to last year at the Wool House opening?
As someone who also struggles with that affliction from time to time, I say "Bless you". I'm not sure, but I don't think I want to be culled either.
Once more!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!
I was in Montana when the sheep incident occurred! It gave me pause to think about how sheep need a shepherd.
Your yarn looks luscious in those skeins. Can't wait to see it when it comes in. Maybe I'll even take up knitting again!
I like that you keep your natural colours in your yarn!
I have no use for Facebook either..Ravelry and blogs keep me busy enough :-)
Love the pictures of the yarn in progress. I can't wait to hear about what you think of the finished product!
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