Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Good Night

My favorite time of day tends to be evening.  I love stopping to watch the sheep and chickens head in for the night, all the birds looking for a spot to sleep and, unless you're a bat, the feeling of settling in for the night.  The bats aren't here yet, but I doubt they are far away.

The day is done.  A good day or not, there's comfort in knowing we've all made it through another one.  I think that's part of the attraction of fall.  Knowing I made it through another summer.  It's time to settle in for the winter.

While spring is not my favorite season, there are a few things I really do enjoy.  Hearing the spring peepers in the Frog Pond might be my favorite.



Terry and Linda said...

We are twin souls, although,(of course) I am much much older than you. I love the coming of night also. Much more than the morning. Spring is nice, but what I see is a tremendous amount of work. I love Summer the best...winter not at all. But always always I love the coming of night. When I go for my nightly walk, I always think of you...and send my thoughts your way.

Shirley said...

Dawn and dusk are the 2 best times of the day. I do love spring- maybe not as much as fall, but getting to plant my garden, await foal arrivals, and see the world come back to life after the dormancy of winter is always wonderful.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Love the sound of the Spring Peepers and did I hear an Owl? Happy Spring!

Nadia Adams said...

Your post about "A Good Night" is so heartwarming and cozy. It's lovely to read about the simple joys of life, especially those involving our furry friends.


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