Monday, September 11, 2023

For Fun And Fitness

Frankie and I both fall into the "fitness cookie in my mouth" camp, but we're back in the groove of working and were able to attend a Spokes and Spurs club drive at Shaker Village over the weekend.  It's a beautiful and historic area of Kentucky, south of Lexington, and it's always worth a visit if you are ever in the area.

There are miles and miles and miles of horse trails, but we stuck mostly to the paved and gravel roads.  We were allowed to drive up into the village and routed through some beautiful rolling hills with fantastic stone fences.  The weather was perfect, the company the best and we had a great day.

We headed in a little earlier than the rest of the group because I could tell Frankie was getting tired, especially on the hills.  We've mostly schooled in fairly level ground for the last few weeks as he builds his strength back up.  That carriage is heavy and I'm no lightweight...because of the cookies ;-).

I hope you enjoy taking a drive with us.


Linda said...

Frankie always looks so pretty, um, I mean handsome when y'all do these events. I can't even imagine how much work goes into getting (and KEEPING) him clean for these events :D

thecrazysheeplady said...

Frankie always stays pretty clean, even when it's muddy. Lancelot on the other hand... ;-)

Michelle said...

It looks like a lovely way to spend the day! Wish Stella and I could have been there – under saddle, of course. I am sure she is not a horse who would ever be able to handle being harnessed to something. She has been ridden around a mini in harness, though, so I think we could ride along.

Shirley said...

Oh Frankie what a good boy! Thanks for the ride along!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I enjoyed the ride! Frankie is a trooper! You too, you make a great team:)


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