Renny found out I posted a picture of her backside, looking a bit, um, large, on the intertubes.

"That wasn't very nice."

"Wouldn't a picture of me and Willard (insert loud whisper - her boyfriend) been much better?"
Actually, I doubt that picture bothered Renny one bit. Nothing fazes Renny - WonderWoman Sheep cape and all.
I'm not sure if B. Willard is her boyfriend or "just a good friend". They've been buddies since the first time they were out together. I wondered if it was their similar coloring. Yes, Renny is dark gray underneath all the brown, sunbleached wool. And there's a lot of it!

"That wasn't very nice."

"Wouldn't a picture of me and Willard (insert loud whisper - her boyfriend) been much better?"
Actually, I doubt that picture bothered Renny one bit. Nothing fazes Renny - Wonder
I'm not sure if B. Willard is her boyfriend or "just a good friend". They've been buddies since the first time they were out together. I wondered if it was their similar coloring. Yes, Renny is dark gray underneath all the brown, sunbleached wool. And there's a lot of it!
Your sheep are adorable. They are one of my favorite animals. I'd love to have a herd of them grazing out in our fields but we don't have the right sort of fencing for them. Cute captions too.
Everything about Renny screams "Shetland" even more so with the announcement that its grey under there...Betcha there won't be hardly a scar to see when you shear this year..
“Ewe’s not fat, ewe’s fluffy” comes to mind. I know just how she feels. ;-)
That’s all the more to hug her with THIS SATURDAY!
I agree with Melanie, she's really looking Shetland these days. Looks a lot like my new girl, Paisley.
They are so cute!
Cindy Bee
It's plain to see why all your sheep are, um, "well-padded." They are eating like someone announced a coming famine! And I will dissent from my Shetland shepherd friends; she doesn't look Shetland to me. But she's lovely, and I can't wait to see what you do with her fleece!
I don't think that Renny has a bad side. She's just "zoftic". I love what Alice said.
Renny is so cute!
Rubenesque comes to those sheepies!
Love the difference in texture between Renny and B. Willard. They look very happy, whatever their status is.
Renny is looking fantastic! I remember when she first arrived, Play the song by biz marque " Ewe got what I need" LOL!! Oh yeah, Willard is such a stud..;-)
Renny is so nice and puffy.
Awwwwwww! She's looking soooo good!!!!!
I love your sheep! I love each and every one of them. I wish I could come pet and hug them.
Oh, and WOW! You are famous and now on TV and delightful for you and each one of your furry/wooly friends!
You are the best and I'm proud to call all of you friends!
Renny looks so good! I don't think she has a bad side :)
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